APA Format Paper Digital Video



You will read, research, evaluate and critique the book “You Know my Glory, but Not my Story”(If you haven’t already). Define what the title and or her life entailed. Define what you would define her life as and how you would have overcome those obstacles. Be specific and use scenarios from the book and the videos to respond efficiently. Finally, at the very end of all of the questions for the presentation, reflect on the information you have gathered. Write a paragraph or two evaluating (in APA format) what you have found, what ideas were useful or inspiring, what ideas bothered you or you disagreed with and evaluate the quality of information you found.

In this assignment, you will create a digital video/presentation via Prezi. Prezi must be used for this assignment unless you have received written approval from Professor Bradley to use other digital platforms prior to due date. Failing to adhere to this rubric will result in point deduction. Failing to use Prezi, will result in a zero for this assignment. Please be creative, unique and concise in your explanation of the following questions. 



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