CRITICAL analysis of the relationship between 2-4 Chicanx/Border/Transborder artworks
For your third and final essay, you will write a CRITICAL analysis of the relationship between 2-4 Chicanx/Border/Transborder artworks that we have discussed in class this semester, paying particular attention to the following elements:
- Artist/collective name, title (in italics) and year (in parentheses)
- Concept behind each artwork Story of how and where the artwork was produced and exhibited
- Contextualization within historical/political context
- Implications for rethinking/redefining Chicanx/Border/Transborder identity and community.
Focus on developing a conversation between the two artworks, using the art analysis skills you practiced in Essay #2, but this time for the relationship between artworks. Please cite sources that you use properly, and include a Works Cited page.
***For this assignment, you are required to write 800-1000 words, and cite 3 SECONDARY academic textual sources. Below are some of the texts we have gone over
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