Discussion: NSG 6435 Developmental Assessment and Biological Functioning



NSG6435 Practicum III Family Health – Pediatrics

Week 2 Discussion

Aquifer Case Study: Developmental Assessment and Biological Functioning

This discussion assignment provides a forum for discussing relevant topics for this week based on the course competencies covered. For this assignment, make sure you post your initial response to the Discussion Area by the due date assigned.

To support your work, use your course textbook readings and the South University Online Library. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format. Start reviewing and responding to the postings of your classmates as early in the week as possible. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ initial postings. Participate in the discussion by asking a question, providing a statement of clarification, providing a point of view with a rationale, challenging an aspect of the discussion, or indicating a relationship between two or more lines of reasoning in the discussion. Cite sources in your responses to other classmates. Complete your participation for this assignment by the end of the week.

For this assignment, you will complete an Aquifer case study based on the course objectives and weekly content. Aquifer cases emphasize core learning objectives for an evidence-based primary care curriculum. Throughout your Nurse Practitioner program, you will use the Aquifer case studies to promote the development of clinical reasoning through the use of ongoing assessments and diagnostic skills and to develop patient care plans that are grounded in the latest clinical guidelines and evidence-based practice.

The Aquifer assignments are a dynamic way to enhance your learning. Material from the Aquifer cases may be present in the quizzes, the midterm exam, and the final exam.

This week, complete the Aquifer case titled Pediatrics 01: Newborn male infant evaluation and care. This case can be found under Aquifer Family Medicine.

Apply information from the Aquifer case study to answer the following questions:

Why is developmental assessment essential in the provision of primary care for infants, children, and adolescents, and what are the essential components of this assessment on the basis of this child’s age?

Which tools will you use to assess specific components of development (such as speech, motor skills, social skills, etc.)? Which tools do you think are the most accurate in assessing the developmental components and why?

Which components would you consider in assessing the basic biological functioning and well-being of your pediatric patients? Why are these components important in providing primary health-care services to children?

Submission Details:

• Post your initial response to the Discussion Area by Day 3. Respond to at least two posts by the end of the week, Day 7. The week starts on Tuesday and ends on the following Monday.

• Your initial post is due on Day 3.

• Your two peer responses are due no later than Day 7. The expectation is that you reply to your peers on more than 2 days before the end of the week to receive full credit.

• Please make sure you are using scholarly references and they should not be older than 5 years. Your posts/references must be in APA format.

• Please follow the discussion rubric to make sure you have addressed the discussion criteria.



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