DQ: Describe the difference between a nursing practice problem and a medical practice problem



PICOT is used in the health care community to identify and examine nursing or medical practice problems. As a result, PICOT examples that may provide insight into the usage of the PICOT method may be irrelevant to nursing practice because they are focused on a medical practice problem.

The nursing process is essential to nurses’ practice (Toney—Butler, Thayer, 2021). A nurse’s profession is focused on the betterment of the patient and the care process. In many aspects, it is comparable to the PICOT in that the intervention is the planning process, the comparison is the implementation, and the outcome is the evaluation. The PICOT method is used to establish research questions that must be supported by evidence (Helbig, 2018), and the nursing process steps offer responses during the assessment phase. The difference between a nursing and a medical practice problem is that nursing seeks to enhance patient care, whereas medical gives the cause or pathology of the patient. Nurses may only practice within the limits of their license (OP, 2010). Nurses must ensure that their PICOT is based on nursing care rather than a diagnosis. Nursing diagnosis differs from doctor-diagnosed health problems for therapy. Nurses must practice within their area of practice.

The PICOT question is the first stage in evidence-based practice, and it is usually wrongly written. It should not be written in the past tense, but rather to aid in the hunt for the best evidence to answer the issue (Gallagher Ford, 2019). It has been found that finding quality information can be difficult, and that we sometimes lack the abilities necessary to evaluate the literature. There is an EBR that has increased nursing students’ ability to discover and study publications as well as correctly use the PICOT (Long, et al., 2016)

ALSO CHECK OUT: NRS 433 Topic 2 DQ 2 Compare the differences and similarities between two of the three types of qualitative studies and give an example of each

Topic 1 DQ 1
Jan 31-Feb 2, 2022
PICOT is utilized by the health care community to identify and study a nursing or medical practice problem. Consequently, PICOT examples that may provide insight into the use of the PICOT process, may not be relevant to nursing practice as they are based on a medical practice problem.
Describe the difference between a nursing practice problem and a medical practice problem. Provide one example of each. Discuss why is it important to ensure your PICOT is based on a nursing practice problem
Deidra Earls
Posted Date
Feb 3, 2022, 6:22 PM
Replies to Deidra Earls
The medical field consists of both nursing practice problems and medical practice problems. Nursing practice problems are any issues encountered during nursing practice related to the patient’s response to a health problem they are experiencing. This information can be identified during a thorough assessment. Medical practice problems are concerned with a medical condition or disease, the cause and treatment for the condition. An example of a nursing practice problem is a patient presents to the hospital with a headache and dizziness. This patient will be at a risk for falls. An example of a medical practice problem is if a patient is diagnosed with a stroke, then the pathology of this disease will be the focus. It is important to ensure PICOT is based on a nursing practice problem because the focus will be centered around the patient and not the disease. Patient, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, and Time is used along with evidence-based practice to give our patient’s safe, effective nursing care. PICOT provides evidence to support clinical decisions and explore alternative treatments and procedures (Finding the evidence, n.d.).
Helbig, J. (2018). History and Process of Nursing Research, Evidence-Based Nursing Practice, and Quantitative and Qualitative Research Process. In Grand Canyon University (Ed.), Nursing research: Understanding methods for best practice. (1st ed.). Retrieved from https://lc.gcumedia.com/nrs433v/nursing-research-understanding-methods-for-best-practice/v1.1/#/chapter/1
Finding the evidence – Using PICO searching to support evidence-based nursing practice. Clinical Knowledge Network. (n.d.). www.ckn.org.au/content/finding-evidence-using-pico-searching-support-evidence-based-nursing-practice

Eleanor Milo
replied toDeidra Earls
Feb 3, 2022, 8:39 PM(edited)
Replies to Deidra Earls
The importance of available research to utilize to implement best practice is very important being in a program like this you are able to gain access to vasts amounts research and know it is validated research.
• Deidra Earls
replied toEleanor Milo
Feb 6, 2022, 6:57 PM
• •
Replies to Eleanor Milo
According to Northeastern State University (2017), research helps us to determine best practices and improve patient care. The findings can correct old misunderstandings, pave the way for new treatment protocols and create new methodology — all of which improve patient outcomes. Nursing continues to evolve and change so we must be able to adapt in all environments. I’m excited to learn and progress throughout this program.
Why do nurses need research? Northeastern State University Online. (2017, September 12). Retrieved from https://nursingonline.nsuok.edu/degrees/rn-to-bsn/why-nurses-need-research
• Kerry Walker
replied toDeidra Earls
Feb 4, 2022, 4:29 AM
• Replies to Deidra Earls
In health care we use evidence-based practices to provide the best outcomes for our patients. We ask questions during an assessment to get to know our patients. Foreground questions can be used in clinical research prior to starting the research, which is known as PICO (Finding the evidence, n.d.). PICO helps to format research in order to make the research process more manageable (Finding the evidence, n.d.).
Deidra, you gave great examples and explained both nursing and medical practice problems very well. I hope that this class will help us gain more insight into research and as we know it will give great access to validated research to dive into. I feel that both medical and nursing practice relay greatly on research to better our patient’s prognosis.

Finding the evidence – Using PICO searching to support evidence-based nursing practice. Clinical Knowledge Network. (n.d.). www.ckn.org.au/content/finding-evidence-using-pico-searching-support-evidence-based-nursing-practice
• • Patience Nwando
replied toDeidra Earls
Feb 4, 2022, 12:07 PM
Replies to Deidra Earls
Hello Deidra.
This is an outstanding work and I agree with you. Ideally, there are differences between the nursing practice problems and medical practice problems. Nursing practice problems characterize issues nurses encounter during their practice that are related to how patients respond to health problems they are experiencing (Berthelsen & Hølge-Hazelton, 2017). There are various factors to consider in the nursing practice problems including patients’ signs and symptoms to a disease and challenges in performing activities of daily living owing to a fractured extremity. Nursing practice problems is also concerned with modalities of caring for patient such as trauma prevention, support, health screening, comfort, assessment, coordination of health care, and health education (Hockenberry & Wilson, 2018). On the other hand, medical practice problems deal with medical conditions or diseases. It recognizes a disease, pursues causes, creates a prognosis, and recommends a treatment for the disease (Miller & Brown, 2018). Taken together, nursing practice problem and medical practice problem have divergent goals. Medical practice problem identifies a deviation from a norm, while nursing practice judges the existence of a condition for improving self-care.



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