Lesson Overview: Create Google Classroom on
“High School Physical Education”
Over the past few years, virtual learning has become a key factor in one’s educational journey. Most teachers are now required to know and comprehend how to teach face to face as well as virtually.
To better prepare you for virtually teaching, you will create a google classroom for your final project. Your classroom must have a section of material (lesson plan) and an assignment (instructions and rubric) you would like for your student to complete. Once you create your google classroom, you must create an assignment based on the topic you have chosen. The assignment must consist of the use of one technology piece that you have learned about over the trimester.
When you have completed the google classroom. Copy the link at the top of the page and turn in the link on canvas.
Be sure to review the rubric before you get started.
How to create a google classroom:
Go to https://classroom.google.comLinks to an external site.
Click on create class.
Create Class Name
Find Classwork at the top of your screen.
Click create material.
The material will include a lesson plan (lesson plan template is provided for you can use a template you are more familiar with). Make sure you look at the rubric and include the correct amount of technology stated. Once you are done with your lesson plan, upload it in proper space then press post.
Next, create an assignment. This will include an explanation of your assignment listed in your lesson plan. Once you have explained your assignment, look to the right of your screen, and click rubric. The rubric must include at least 3 criteria points. Once completed press assign at top right.
Congratulations! You have created a lesson plan and assignment for a virtual class. In order to turn this project in, please copy the link and put it on canvas. Make sure your link has your class code at the end. If it doesn’t, I will not be able to open the class page.
I am attaching my example classroom below. Please let me know if you have any questions!
EXAMPLE CLASSROOM: Ms. Broom's Class (google.com) Links to an external site.
https://classroom.google.com/c/NTM2Nzc5MTgzODk5?cjc=zg6umj4Links to an external site. <------class code
File is attached
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