

Instructions for Week 5: December 11-16 Due This Week:


DUE Tuesday by 11:59 PM:

Textual Analysis Web Link (this is a web link to the news ARTICLE you will use to analyze in this next essay--REMEMBER THAT THIS MUST BE A CURRENT ARTICLE--CANNOT BE ANY OLDER THAN 2022) DUE Tuesday by 11:59 PM:

Textual Analysis Essay Thesis Statement (your thesis must be approved before you can write your essay) DUE Thursday by 11:59 PM:

Reading Response 2: Textual Analysis Week Five Assignments: Review the assignment details for the textual analysis essay and begin thinking about topic ideas. For this 700-word textual analysis essay, you will analyze a current news article (it cannot be older than 2022 and must be a minimum of 2 pages in length).

Using the textbook and the guidelines listed below, compile this essay based on your analysis of the article. Follow these steps to complete this assignment: Start by reading the text and compiling lists of patterns: of sentence types, of imagery, repeated words or phrases, of themes, of references to other texts (such as the Bible), and so on. Then, create a very brief one-to-three sentence summary of the text. Write about the context of the text and how/if the text fits into some aspect of society.

Next, decide on a thesis, a stance that you are taking in regards to the text. When deciding on your thesis, think about such questions as: What is the purpose of the text? What is the message of the text? How effective was/is this text? Is this text still applicable to a narrow or wide range of readers? Why does the author use specific imagery again and again? Would the language of this text work for a different cultural group? Your thesis MUST BE APPROVED before you can write your essay.

Sample Thesis for Psalm 23 Analysis: The writer of Psalm 23 used first-person pronouns throughout to encourage readers to think about personal applications of the passage. Finally, compile textual evidence from the text. After you complete these steps, compiling your essay should go smoothly. Refer to the diagram below to help organize your essay:

  • Introduction Body Conclusion
  • Give brief summary
  • Give background information
  • State your thesis (the focus of your analysis)--UNDERLINE THE THESIS
  • Use topic sentences and transitions.
  • Provide details of your analysis Use the text to support your analysis
  • Restate thesis,
  • Relate the text to broader issues
  • Discuss the text's effectiveness

Be sure to avoid using any secondary sources (websites, articles, etc.) other than the text you are analyzing. If you are struggling to determine HOW to analyze the news article, consider the following: The Civil Rights movement of the mid-twentieth century proved a turning point for racial equality in the United States. The “I Have a Dream” speech, given by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., played a powerful role in this effort. For this assignment, analyze “I Have a Dream” (which is readily available on the internet) by looking closely at the language and structure of the speech. Also, consider the historical context of the speech and compare that to today’s social equality issues. Does the speech have relevance today?

This 700-word essay will be double-spaced and will consist of at least five paragraphs, with one paragraph serving as an introduction and one as a conclusion. The remaining paragraphs will provide supporting details from the speech. Your audience consists of the teacher and your peers, so your language and usage should be appropriate for a university class. Please avoid using second-person personal pronouns (you and your). Do not forget to include an original title, centered above the introduction.



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