LDR 615 Topic 3 DQ 1 Compare and contrast two different change models



Compare and contrast two different change models. What leadership approach would you use to implement your preferred model? Why?



The Role of the Leader

Hi Class,

Selecting a change model that will effectively lead change is critical. However, when it comes to the implementation of the model and the change initiative in general, we must understand the leader’s significance. Why is it important for a leader to be a model and cheerleader of the change initiative and approach?



Leaders are role models for the staff. If they are not on board with the changes then they can not help drive those changes in the organization! Staff often look up to their leaders and follow suit with what they are doing as well. It is the leaders responsibility to share the “why” when implementing, and if not done in a way that helps increase buy in for the change initiative then the change initiative may fail.


Dr. E.

Many people would not change if they did not have to so leaders must be a model and cheerleader of the change initiative and approach (Folkman, 2019). Left to their own devices’ individuals will continue down the road most comfortable, finding comfort in a routine. I am sure that we have all been in situations where we have asked why something is done a certain way, to get a response because we have always done it that way. Change efforts require a lot of direction and motivation. Staff must become excited about the change and that will come from the leadership driving the change.  These leaders who can inspire, motivate, and encourage are the essential force in organizational change (Folkman,2019).


Folkman, J. (2019). The five critical skills leaders need to be a champion of change. Retrieved from The Five Critical Skills Leaders Need To Be A Champion Of Change (forbes.com)



Good evening,

I believe that we lead by example. Leaders must be creative and engage their employees. The leader that listens to their staff is an effective communicator, is honest, and develops a trusting relationship; is a positive leader. This role model encourages staff by giving feedback (cheerleader).  “A recent study on transformational leadership practices revealed that the top 2 practices of chief nursing officers in Magnet organizations were “enabling others to act” and “modeling the way” (Snow, 2019).


Snow, F. (2019). Creativity and innovation. Nursing Administration Quarterly43(4), 306–312. https://doi.org/10.1097/naq.0000000000000367


Implementation is complex and challenging, needing creative processes to motivate people, to turn plans into actions (Suphattanakul, 2017). Leadership is an essential component needed to encourage and motivate workers’ behaviors. Organizations must focus on leaders committed to the organization’s vision and who can create, monitor, encourage, and reward throughout the change initiative. Leaders help the follower align their values with the organization’s values, promoting shared values within the organization (Singh, 2013). A transparent leader creates a safe culture for people to speak from their heads and hearts, saying what they mean. This open communication can lead to faster error correction and better decision-making. Without a leader who can build a transparent organization, where people can live with their values, employees often follow their own goals, which may be different or even conflict with those of their colleagues. Leaders have a tremendous influence on the workplace, and their styles must be strategically aligned to accommodate the organizational culture for successful change completion.


Singh, A. (2013). A Study of Role of McKinsey’s 7S Framework in Achieving Organizational Excellence. Organization Development Journal31(3), 39–50.

Suphattanakul, O. (2017). Role of transformational leadership in effective strategic implementation with the moderating effect of organizational culture. Journal of Business and Social Review in Emerging Economies3(2), 253–262. https://doi.org/10.26710/jbsee.v3i2.80


Hello Dr. E,

I think it is important for the leader to be the role model within the organization for their employees to see how things should be done in a positive and effective way. Leaders lead by example so setting good example will only help the company rather than hindering the business. If leadership is good , the team will be just as great! A positive environment is an inviting environment individuals will be more willing to be apart of a team that they feel is theirs too! Thank you for sharing your post!




For leaders to aid the organization in the acceptance and implementation of change they must provide a clear and concise path towards this goal while providing effective coaching and communication to their respective employees and stakeholders. For the leader to be a cheerleader, it aids in allowing them to provide direction and reinforce their desired change to those required to change. This helps provide a relationship and build a path of trust for leader and employee alike.


Good evening, Dr. E,

Thank you for your post! It is essential for leaders to be role models and cheerleaders representing and presenting the change going forward within the organization. “Workers experiencing recent or current change were more than twice as likely to report chronic work stress compared with employees who reported no recent, current or anticipated change (55% vs. 22%), and more than four times as likely to report experiencing physical health symptoms at work (34% vs. 8%)” (CBIA, 2017) and having a leader that cheers on the team and is positive about changes will reduce stress of the change. In general individuals do not like change, when they are comfortable, they would rather stay completing tasks as they always have, and change comes as a challenging stressful difficult time for many, leading staff to perform tasks out of their comfort zone.  Leaders can be role models and cheerleaders through communication, collaboration, and commitment to help the implementation of the change (Center for Creative Leadership, n.d.).  According to Connell (2019) “the effective change leader demonstrates strong facilitation, influence, and collaboration skills necessary to build support, remove barriers and reduce resistance to change. The change leader must be able to enhance/ build the Systems & Structures necessary to drive the required change, reward desired behaviors and prevent organizational backsliding. The effective change leader identifies the key stakeholders and implements influence strategies to gain their support in helping to “model the behaviors that create the experiences needed to change beliefs resulting in actions that deliver expected results”. Staff will transition into the new change role more effectively if the leader is open, honest, encouraging, and positive about the change that is occurring or that has occurred. Leaders have a huge impact and are inspiring and motivating to staff within the organization and can cheer their staff on along the way!


Center for Creative Leadership. (n.d.). How to be a successful change leader. https://www.ccl.org/articles/leading-effectively-articles/successful-change-leader/

Connecticut Business & Industry Association (CBIA). (2017). The impact of organizational change on employees. https://www.cbia.com/news/hr-safety/the-impact-of-organizational-change-on-employees/

Connell, S. (2019). Change leadership. Quality in Mind. https://asq.org/blog/2019/06/change-leadership/




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