Macro Economics Paper




A personal response paper is an academic step to learning to state your understanding backed up with arguments. The paper should provide me with a better understanding of how you personally understand about the “Principles of Macroeconomics” as a subject. As such, when you write a personal response paper, you will discuss your personal thoughts and feelings on the current topic(s) you choose using concepts and terms that have been covered and discussed in class.

For this assignment, I need you to pick a “very current Macro -Economic topic” that interests you. Your Personal Response Paper will consist of about three pages (minimum-2 pages) per topic/concept, typewritten, double-spaced, using good grammar and excellent written English. It must cover three topics (total maximum of ten pages)

Your work must be submitted with Microsoft Word or PDF.

The paper must contain the following elements:

·         Clear explanation of the concept in relation to your chosen “current topic”.

·         You will want to reflect on a personal experience you have had which illustrates each of the three current Economic topics related to the principles/concept we have studied this semester.

·         You will want to demonstrate a clear understanding of the economic principle(s) in relation to the current event and how the specific impact of this event has affected you or made you understand the Micro or Macro Economics concepts better.

·         You should also create a graph/table or other illustration(s) to explain your personal experience.  You may create a hand-drawn graph or a graph in Excel or similar program. 


- Minimum of one and a half pages of written work (12point font).

- Do not be afraid to blend some creativity into your personal response paper to the “Current Micro-Economic Topics”. If you feel like there is a way to make your personal response essay stand out, please go for it.

Personal Response Paper Grading

-  50 points will be given for correctly defining and using the economic principle.

-  80 points will be given for correctly demonstrating personal use/understanding of the economic   

   principle as related to the current topic or event(s) you choose.


-  20 points will be given for correctly drawing a graph/table or cartoon/ pictures or illustrations.

   In addition, explain how your illustration ties to the concept or topic discussed.


- Your paper will be checked with ‘TURNITIN’ to ensure the integrity. Please do not copy other peoples’ work or copy from the internet.



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