NRS 451 DQ 2 Compare two leadership theories



There are 7 different nursing leadership theories. These include Great man theory, trait theory, contingency leadership theory, situational leadership theory, leader-member exchange theory, transformational leadership theory, and servant theory. (Whitney, 2018). The two that I have choose to talk about are transformational leadership theory as well as situational leadership theory. The transformational leadership theory was founded by James Burns in the 1970s. This theory says that nurses who are transformational leaders are nurses who empower and motivate others and is someone who has visions and focuses on long-term success. (Whitney, 2018) A strength of this theory would be that theses nurses work great with new nurses because they have the ability to mentor, gain others trust through listening to their concerns as well as encourage them to work independently. (2021) These nurses work great in hospital or clinical settings that needs improvement; however, the weakness of this theory would be that these leaders are not as effective in facilities that require them to be responsible for day-to-day decision making. (2021)

The next theory I will talk about is the situational leadership theory. This theory was founded by Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard in the 1960s. In this theory, nurses are more focused on their relationships rather than their tasks and they “work well in healthcare because they are flexible and modify their leadership style based on an organization or individual nurse’s needs” (2021). The strength of this theory is that these nurses work will with nursing students and work well in a flexible environment. However, they tend to turn away from long-term strategies or goals within their organization. (2021)

To support nurses in their daily tasks within the healthcare system, several leadership theories have been established. In order to attain organizational goals, nurse executives find it easier to monitor and supervise their subordinate personnel. Nurse leaders’ honesty and ethical behavior assist other healthcare personnel in achieving better patient outcomes. Some hypotheses have been established to characterize successful nurse leadership. These theories are demonstrated through practices and conduct.

Transformational leadership theory is the first. James MacGregor Burns, a historian and political scientist, established the concept of transformative leadership in the 1970s (Whitney, 2018). Burns’ work sought to characterize the leadership styles of great leaders such as John F. Kennedy and Mahatma Gandhi. Transformational leadership, according to Burns, occurs when a nursing leader strives to improve the work environment in order to achieve success (Whitney, 2018). Leaders and followers inspire and drive one another to higher levels of morality and motivation.

Transformational leadership theory differs from other leadership theories in that it focuses on the requirements of followers in the workplace. To achieve long-term success, the vision-oriented leader nurse can help enhance the organization’s mission and vision. The leader nurse, in most situations, serves as a role model for the followers (Whitney, 2018). When the nurse serves as a role model, followers can easily visualize the organization’s goals and become active participants in the change (Sherman & Habel, 2021). Transformational leadership is a relatively new concept in the nursing sector; historically, nurses relied on transactional leadership.

Compare two leadership theories. Provide an overview of each and discuss the strengths and weakness in relation to nursing practice.

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Nurses in the healthcare system can benefit from a variety of leadership philosophies. Nurse leaders find it easier to manage and control their subordinates in order to accomplish the goals of the organization.. Patient outcomes are improved by the honesty and integrity of nurse leaders. Successful nursing leadership can be described by a variety of theories. Representing these notions is dependent on how they are put into action.

Transformational leadership is the first type of leadership theory. Transformative leadership was coined in the 1970s by James MacGregor Burns, a historian and political scientist (Whitney, 2018). Describe the leadership styles of world leaders like as John F. Kennedy and Mahatma Gandhi, according to Burns’s goal. “Transformational leadership” means that the nursing leader intends to change work conditions in order to help achieve success, as defined by Burns (Whitney, 2018). The leader and those who follow him inspire each other to greater heights of virtue and drive.

When it comes to leadership theories, transformational leadership stands out because it focuses on a follower’s needs at work. The leader nurse has a strong focus on long-term success, which can be used to improve the organization’s goal and vision. Leader nurses often serve as role models for their subordinates (Whitney, 2018). Having a nurse role model makes it easier for others to see what the organization expects of them and to get involved in making changes (Sherman & Habel, 2021). Transformational leadership is a novel concept in the nursing sector, as nurses formerly relied on transactional leadership.

The first benefit of transformative leadership is that it encourages innovation and creativity. A more collaborative approach to transformational leadership leads to the development of new solutions and creative concepts (Sherman & Habel, 2021). There is also a high level of employee happiness. Transformational leaders will improve the mental and psychological well-being of the organization, which is common in the nursing profession (Whitney, 2018). In addition, there is the opportunity to promote organizational transformation in the workplace.

In addition to its flaws, leadership theory has its advantages. To begin, this design isn’t appropriate for many contexts. Emergency situations arise from time to time that necessitate immediate action. Traditional nursing elements, on the other hand, are not conducive to the application of leadership theory (Sherman & Habel, 2021). When followers are empowered to make their own decisions, they may be overwhelmed by the responsibility.

On the other hand, there is the servant leadership theory in nursing practice. The model argues that nurse leaders are servants of the people. Therefore, the nurse leader wholeheartedly works towards satisfying the followers’ wants in the organization (Whitney, 2018). The leadership theory is popular among Christian nurse leaders. Servant leaders often act in a Christ-like way (Whitney, 2018). The critical objective of servant leaders is to show followers that their work is essential. Some qualities of servant leaders include listening to people from a non-judgmental perspective, choosing words carefully when addressing clients and workers, and thinking before reacting.

The first strength of the leadership theory is follower inclusivity, which means that once employees see the leader’s commitment, they will follow them. There is a disincentive for unproductive behavior (Burkus, 2020). When the leader provides excellent service to the employees, the employees provide excellent service to the customers. Second, there is a positive work environment because the leader encourages and promotes a common goal (Whitney, 2018). Another advantage of servant leadership is that it improves organizational morale. On the other hand, the theory has flaws. The first flaw is that it is difficult to explain and communicate the concept of servant leadership (Burkus, 2020). The following point is that retaining servant leaders in the healthcare system is difficult and time-consuming. Another weakness is that followers regard servant leaders as weak, making it difficult to follow their rules (Burkus, 2020). Servant leadership is difficult to achieve because it necessitates a high level of authenticity.


  • SS

Shiny Jolly Sebastian

replied toAlexandra Rocco

Feb 19, 2022, 9:35 PM


Replies to Alexandra Rocco

Hello Alexandra Well said about leadership theories in the healthcare set up. There are other four more leadership theories among which I would like to point about Behavioral and contingency theory. There are pros and cons in each theory.

Behavioral theory.

The behavioral leadership theory examines how leaders act and assumes that these attributes can be replicated by other leaders. It is also known as the style hypothesis, and it proposes that successful leaders are not born but may be developed through observable conduct.

Behavioral theory has several advantages, the most important of which is that it allows leaders to learn and determine what actions they want to take to become the type of leader they want to be. It enables leaders to be adaptable and flexible in response to changing situations. Another significant advantage of this leadership style is that it implies that everyone may be a leader.

The behavioral theory has some drawbacks, such as the fact that, while it provides for flexibility, it does not precisely recommend how to respond in specific situations. There are dozens of leadership styles based on behavioral theory, but there is not one that is appropriate for every situation.

Examining a task-oriented vs. a people-oriented leader is an excellent example of behavioral theory in action. If a team is having problems, a task-oriented leader will look at the process to see if the workflow needs to be modified. A people-oriented leader will look at the people and approach them directly, asking what the problem is. Behavioral leadership theory helps leaders focus on their actions and use their decisions to be a great leader, regardless of whatever behaviors they pick. It is the best example in healthcare set up. (WGU,2020).



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