NUR 513 Navigating the Online Environment Scavenger Hunt



Over time, the role of advanced registered nurse has changed in important ways. Changes in roles between the 20th and 21st centuries show how things have changed. Changes in professional, government, legal, and technological factors have had a big impact on the way roles have changed. In the 20th century, the advanced registered nurse did not depend mostly on health technologies. This has changed in the 21st century, when new health care technologies are widely used to give high-quality, safe, and effective care to a wide range of people. The nurse of the 20th century also gave care for a fee. Most of the care that nurses gave to patients was based on how much care they got. Patients also had to spend a lot of money to get the care they needed. In the 21st century, however, nursing care is focused on something different. In the 21st century, advanced registered nurses give care based on what’s best for the patient. The goal of nursing care is to get good results that are centered on the patient (Gullatte, 2018). As a result of this focus, care for patients is safer, more cost-effective, and centered on the needs of the patient .

As the American health care system changes in the future, the roles and responsibilities of advanced registered nurses will also change and grow. For example, advanced registered nurses will have to use information from big data to make decisions about how to meet the patients’ current and future needs. In the future of America, there are also likely to be changes in the way the patient population works. So, nurses must be taught to be very flexible and responsive to the changing needs of the people they care for. Changes in technology and the law in the U.S. will also improve the roles and responsibilities of advanced registered nurses in the future (Young et al., 2017). Advanced registered nurses will have to make sure that the care they give is based on evidence, new, efficient, and centered on the patient in order to meet the changing needs of care for different groups. 

NUR 513: How to Get Around Online Scavenger Hunt Online

NUR 513 Navigating the Online Environment Scavenger Hunt

Learning how to navigate the online classroom environment is essential to your academic success.

  1. Review “Navigating the Online Scavenger Hunt” and search LoudCloud to find theanswers.
  2. Complete the scavenger hunt while navigating LoudCloud.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

Also Check Out: NURS 6630 Assignment Assessing and Treating Patients With Impulsivity, Compulsivity, and Addiction


Learning how to navigate the online classroom environment is essential to your academic success. GCU’s Learning Management System (LMS) LoudCloud has many resources to help you become a successful graduate student.


View the Student Learning Management System Tutorial as well as search LoudCloud to find answers to the questions below. You should complete the guide while navigating the LoudCloud environment.

NUR 513 Navigating the Online Environment Scavenger Hunt

Assessment Description

Learning how to navigate the digital classroom environment is essential to your academic success.

  1. Review “Navigating the Online Scavenger Hunt” and search the digital classroom to find the answers.
  2. Complete the scavenger hunt while navigating the learning management system.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

Note: Please do not submit assignments as PDF files.



Points: 50/50.0

Instructors Comments:Too bright of a highlight here !!!!! Criteria for Navigating the Online Environment Scavenger Hunt met. Thank you for your responses.

Learning how to navigate the online classroom environment is essential to your academic success.

  1. Review “Navigating the Online Scavenger Hunt” and search LoudCloud to find the answers.
  2. Complete the scavenger hunt while navigating LoudCloud.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

Note: Please do not submit assignments as PDF files. NUR 513 Navigating the Online Environment Scavenger Hunt Online

Part A: Answer each prompt

  1. List the items on the screen when you first enter a course in LoudCloud.
  2. Under the “Dashboard” drop down menu in LoudCloud, click on “Student Resources” and then “Student Success Center”. Once in the Student Success Center, search for “Style Guides and Templates” and review the APA Style Guide and APA Template (without Abstract) Why do you think academic writing requires such strict formatting? NUR 513 Navigating the Online Environment Scavenger Hunt Online
  3. Under the “Dashboard” drop down menu in LoudCloud, click on “Student Resources” and then “Student Success Center”. Once in the Student Success Center, search for “Classroom Policies” and review GCU’s participation policy. What do you need to do to make sure you are properly participating in the online classroom?
  4. Navigate to the “Student Success Center.” Under which section in the Student Success Center can you find official Microsoft Tutorials for their software products?
  5. Navigate to the “Student Success Center.” Click on “Resources” and under the “Tools” heading, click on “New Student Success”. Locate “Tutorials and Webinars”. Which “Classroom Success” tutorial or webinar do you think might be most helpful for you?
  6. From the course home page in LoudCloud, find where you can see your current grade in the course.
  7. Click on “Path” from the drop down menu in the classroom. What are all the different sections found in the Syllabus?
  8. Click on “Library” under the “Student Resources” tab from the dashboard drop down. Find a time that a GCU Library Introduction webinar tour is available. Write down a time and date that one is offered.

Part B: Highlight the correct response

  1. Where are the topic lectures found?
  2. The Path
  3. Study Materials
  4. Main Forum
  5. Both A and B
  6. From the Resources page of the Student Success Center, which of the following is not found under the “Explore Tools” link? NUR 513 Navigating the Online Environment Scavenger Hunt Online
  7. The Writing Center
  8. New Student Success
  9. Virtual Campus Tour
  10. Academic Excellence Center
  11. What do Study Materials in Loud Cloud consist of?
  12. Lecture Notes, Electronic Resources, and Textbook
  13. Computer, Internet, and Software
  14. Pens, Paper, and Books
  15. The Syllabus, Discussion Forum, and Student Success Center
  16. Where do you find“Announcements” for a course in LoudCloud?
  17. On the main page of your course in the LoudCloud classroom
  18. The Calendar
  19. The Syllabus
  20. The instructor emails them to you at the start of each week.
  21. What would you do if you wanted to ask your instructor a question in which you felt your classmates could benefit from the answer as well? NUR 513 Navigating the Online Environment Scavenger Hunt Online
  22. Send him or her a personal email
  23. Post the question in the Discussion Forum
  24. Post the question in the Private Forum
  25. Post the question in the Questions to Instructor Forum
  26. Looking at the Forums sectionof your LoudCloud classroom, which section is not listed?
  27. Discussion Forum
  28. Question to Instructor Forum
  29. Assignment Forum
  30. Private Forum
  31. Where are the weekly topic learning objectives found?
  32. On the Calendar
  33. Path >> Topic Title
  34. In the Main Forum
  35. Under the Tasks Tab
  36. Where is the syllabus found in Loud Cloud?
  37. Under the Calendar tab
  38. In the Path
  39. In the Main Forum
  40. Under the Tasks Tab

Course Description

This course examines nursing theory and the role of ethics for advanced registered nurses within the Christian worldview and through a leadership perspective focused on improving health care outcomes. Students explore the moral/ethical responsibilities and legal and regulatory obligations of advanced registered nurses in health promotion and disease prevention. Students also review evidence-based practice (EBP) literature and the research process with application to their program of study and learn to navigate scholarly EBP literature , resources, and guidelines.

Pre-Requisites None

Co-Requisites None

NUR-513 IJ Course Materials

Advanced Practice Nursing: Essential Knowledge for the Profession


DeNisco, S. M , & Barker, A. M. (2016 ). Advanc:ed prw::tic:e n ursing: Essential knmvledge fur the prufe ssiun(3rd e d.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bat1lett Leat·ning. ISBN-13: 9781284072570

Leadership in Nursing Practice: Changing the Landscape of Health Care


Po1ier-O Grady, T. & Malloch, K. (2018). Leadership in nursing practice: Changing the landscape of health care (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Batilett Leat·ning. ISBN-13: 9781284146530

NUR-513 Course Objectives


In this course, the student will:

1. Determine the current state of advanced specialty nursing practice.
2. Examine nursing theo1y and the role, ethical responsibilities, and legal obligations of the advanced specialty nurse in health promotion and disease prevention from a Christian perspective and as a leader who improves health care outcomes.
3. Navigate GCU’s libraiy and other scholai·ly resources of evidence-based practice (EBP) literature and guidelines.
4. Review evidence-based practice (EBP) and the reseai·ch process.
5. Determine avenues for role development, including identifying relevant professional organizations and professional development opportunities.

II Topic 1: Emerging Roles for Advanced Registered Nursing Specialties


1. Describe the history of advanced registered nursing, including shifts in scope, role, and expectations.
2. Discuss emerging roles for the advanced registered nurse.
3. Discuss the Institute of Medicine’s recommendations for nursing education and the role of the advanced practice registered nurse in the evolving health care system.
Study Materials

Advanced Practice Nursing: Essential Knowledge for the Profession


Read Chapters I , 2, and 5 in Advanced Practice Nursing: Essential Knowledge for the Profession.

Leadership in Nursing Practice: Changing the Landscape of Health Care


Read Chapter 2 in Leuder ship in Nursing Prar.:tir.:e: Chunging the Landsr.:ape uf Health Care.

LoudCloud Walk to Class Tutorial


Review the tutorial. This tutorial will be used to prepare for the Topic I assignment.

The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health


Read The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health, by the Co=ittee on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Initiative on the Future of Nursing (2011). Download the free PDF from the National Academy of Sciences website.This resource will be used to answer Topic I DQ 2.

APA Resources


Review the American Psychological Association (APA) writing style guidelines and resources located in the Student Success Center. APA format is required for most assignments, so students should become familiar with these resources to facilitate the successfu l completion of course assignments.

Discussion Forum Guidelines and Example


Review the “Discussion Forum Guidelines and Example”.

Initial Course Survey


In an effort for continuous improvement, Grand Canyon University would like you to take this opportunity to provide feedback about your experience with the university. Your participation is appreciated. Click on the link to begin the survey.

II Tasks

Topic 1 DQ 1


Describe how the role of advanced registered nurse transformed over time. Consider shifts in scope and expectations in the 20th and 21st centuries. In what ways will the advanced registered nurse role and responsibilities continue to evolve and emerge as the American health care system changes?

According to DeNisco and Baker (2021), nursing education has transitioned from an apprentice style of education to one that involves an education built in liberal arts requiring the development of critical thinking abilities. Even the term advanced nursing practice has been shrouded in considerable uncertainty until a watershed seems to have been reached for a definition that indicates master’s-prepared nurses who provide direct clinical care and to include the roles of nurse practitioner (NP), certified nurse–midwife (CNM), certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA), and clinical nurse specialist (CNS) (DeNisco & Baker, 2021). The 2010 report by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) that identified the need for nurses to be positioned as vanguards of health care and strongly advocating for allowing advanced practice registered nurses to practice to the full scope of their skills and the removal of barriers to enable forward movement of nurses and the nursing profession paved the way for the advancement of nursing (Stewart, 2021).

The nurse practitioner practice is thought to have emerged in the 1960s taking cue from Lilian Wald’s nurses of the 1800s and was developed to provide primary care underserved population (Stewart, 2021). In 1965, Loretta Ford and Henry Silver formally developed the role of nurse practitioner to advance the nursing profession and to respond to the need for providers in rural, underserved areas (Stewart, 2021). DeNisco and Baker (2021) affirmed that the role evolved out of the unavailability of primary care physicians to take care of pediatric populations with educational preparation changing from the initial 3 to 12 months to the present-day master’s degree as the entry-level education for nurse practitioner specialties.

Formal midwifery training was also necessitated to solve an urgent need to curb high maternal and infant mortality rates which led to the establishment of the first nurse–midwifery school in 1925 by Mary Breckenridge. Today, all nurse–midwifery trainings are college and university level programs which culminate in the DNP degree. The practice of midwifery requires licensed and independent certified nurse–midwives and certified midwives (CMs) who are autonomous primary care providers with prescriptive authority to manage women’s health, that concentrate on pregnancy, childbirth, the postpartum period, care of the newborn, family planning, and gynecologic needs of women (DeNisco & Baker, 2021).

Having evolved more than 150 years ago, nurse anesthetists are another licensed independent practitioners who autonomously deliver care in collaboration with surgeons, dentists, podiatrists, anesthesiologists and other healthcare professionals (DeNisco & Baker, 2021).

DeNisco and Baker (2021) averred that there is a national initiative to improve access to high-quality but cos-effective health care. This directive is bound to necessitate the advent of many new and yet to be conceived roles for nurses. Newly identified nursing roles such as nurse navigators and healthcare coaches, have been instituted and may require advanced degrees and certification. There are thriving care coordination opportunities for nurses throughout the continuum of care (DeNisco & Baker, 2021).


DeNisco, S. M., & Baker, A. M. (2021). Advanced Practice Nursing: essential knowledge for the profession (4th ed.). (S. M. DeNisco, Ed.) Burlington, Massachusetts: Jones & Bartlett.

Stewart, J. G. (2021). Advanced Practice Nursing: essential knowledge for the profession. (S. M. DeNisco, Ed.) Burlington, Massachusetts: Jones & Bartlett.



Topic 1 DQ 2


Access The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health. Identify the two recommendations for nursing education you believe will be most effective or radical in creating change within the industry. Provide rationale based on your experience in practice. Do you agree or disagree with how the Institute of Medicine (IOM) describes the advanced practice registered nurse role evolving. Why or why not?

Explain how the role of a registered nurse with more experience has changed over time. Think about how the scope and expectations of things changed between the 20th and 21st centuries. How will the role and responsibilities of an advanced registered nurse change and grow as the American health care system changes?



Gullatte, M. M. (2018). 21st Century Nursing Leadership. Oncology Nursing Society.

Young, H. M., Bakewell-Sachs, S., & Sarna, L. (2017). Nursing Practice, Research and Education in the West: The Best Is Yet to Come. Nursing Research66(3), 262–270.

Amber, there is no doubt the recommendations by the Institute of Medicine on The Future of Nursing has tremendously helped to advance the nursing profession. Due to the implementation of the recommendations, the profession is developing at a faster rate. The nurse practitioner (NP) program that had set out and was doing well already has benefited well and are making giant strides. Stewart (2021) stated that, the huge population of aging baby boomers, with its anticipated increase in the use of the healthcare system, as well as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act signed in 2010 which established comprehensive health insurance reform and expanded healthcare insurance coverage to 32 million Americans require the incorporation an expanded role of NPs whose competence, quality of care, and cost-effectiveness of care delivery has been validated by research.


Stewart, J. G. (2021). Advanced Practice Nursing: essential knowledge for the profession. (S. M. DeNisco, Ed.) Burlington, Massachusetts: Jones & Bartlett.

Topic 1 DQ 2


Access The Future of Nursing : Leading Change, Advancing Health. Identify the two recommendations for nursing education you believe will be most effective or radical in creating change within the indusl:!y . Provide rationale based on your experience in practice. Do you agree or disagree with how the Institute of Medicine (IOM) describes the advanced practice registered nurse role evolving. Why or why not?

Re: Topic 2 DQ 2

The Nursing Code of Ethics was published by the American Nurses Association (ANA) to serve as a guidance in decision-making. The nursing code of ethics has four core constructs: autonomy, beneficence, justice, and nonmaleficence; throughout time, nine provisional statements have been added to support nurses in all areas of practice (ANA, 2015).

Nurse Practitioners (NPs) have complete autonomy in diagnosing and prescribing, which raises a slew of ethical concerns. Prescribing drugs to pain medication-seeking individuals, for example, can raise ethical concerns. If you’re delivering opioids to an addict, do you follow the ethical value of nonmaleficence? I’ve also seen cases when the entire care team was directed to keep a cancer diagnosis from an adolescent pediatric patient who was mentally capable of understanding and making decisions about their care. At the request of the parents, I had to witness our NP go over a CT scan with the patient without uttering the words tumor or cancer. When is withholding the genuine benefit to the patient good, and how does this threaten the patient’s autonomy? In some circumstances, telling the patient the truth can be harmful to their mental health (DeNisco & Baker, 2016).

We rely on more technology in our practice as healthcare evolves. Basic ethical concepts such as privacy, confidentiality, nonmaleficence, virtue, and autonomy remain intact in nursing informatics (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2021). We’ve used telemedicine and digital communication throughout the last year. During the height of the epidemic, I found myself conducting cardiology rounds to the whole care team via Zoom call. I agree with McGonigle and Mastrian (2021) that ethics principles have not changed, but that the complexity of ethical challenges within these principles has increased. For example, given our reliance on digital forms of communication and digital technologies such as smartphones, privacy concerns, data breaches, and growing access to electronic medical information will continue to pose a threat to the values of privacy, confidentiality, and nonmaleficence.

While the tasks of a nurse practitioner and an informatics nurse are very different, with the former being a clinical job and the latter a nonclinical role, the ethical standards remain the same. Ethics “focuses on the rightness and wrongness of behaviors, as well as the goodness and badness of motives and ends,” according to DeNisco and Barker (2016). (p.652). Meaning that ethical concepts are employed in both APRN jobs while making decisions and forming judgments, despite the fact that they are used in distinct situations.

NUR-513-R1-NavigatingtheOnlineScavenegerHunt (2)

Online Learning Environment Scavenger Hunt


Learning how to navigate the digital classroom environment is essential to your academic success. GCU’s digital classroom has many resources to help you become a successful graduate learner.


View the Student Learning Management System Tutorial as well as search the digital classroom to find answers to the questions below. You should complete the guide while navigating the digital classroom environment.

Part A: Answer Each Prompt

  1. List the items on the screen when you first enter a course.

We have the Main Tab, which comprises the Calendar, Announcement, Syllabus, and Gradebook Tabs.

Secondly, we have the Forums tab, which consists of discussion forums and class questions.

The Class Materials Tab contains class resources for the various topics outlined.

Another principal tab is the Institutional Resources Tab, which comprises the Library, Student Success Center, Learning Support, and Classroom Policies.

Other minor items worthy of notice are the course name and code, course duration, and the number of students enrolled.

  1. Along the left-hand menu, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Student Success Center.” Once in the Student Success Center, search for “Classroom Policies” and review GCU’s participation policy. What do you need to do to make sure you are properly participating in the digital classroom?

You must take part in weekly discussions, follow up on classmates’ initial comments, and write thoughtful, well-written messages to your classmates and the teacher in the main forum of the online classroom if you want to be considered a participant.

  1. View the “APA 7th Edition Tutorial,” located in the topic Resources to assist in answering this question. Once you have viewed the tutorial, navigate back to the “Student Success Center” and search for “Style Guides and Templates” to review the APA Style Guide and APA Template (without Abstract)
  2. Why do you think academic writing requires such strict formatting?
  3. If you have trouble formatting your papers, what resources can you access at GCU that will help you with it? List at least two.


  1. I believe that academic writing demands such exact formatting standards since it adheres to the APA Style Guide and APA Template. Additionally, the formatting requirements for academic writing are so strict because graduate students are required to adhere to specific standards.
  2. GCU Library’s Citing Sources Guide, The Writing Center
  3. Under which section in the Student Success Center can you find official Microsoft Tutorials for their software products?

You can access the official Microsoft Tutorials for their software products under Tutorials and Webinars in the Student Success Center.

  1. Within the “Student Success Center,” Click on “Resources,” and then under the “Tools” heading, click on “New Student Success.” Locate “Tutorials and Webinars.” Which “Classroom Success” tutorial or webinar do you think might be most helpful for you?

LopesWrite, as it will help me improve my writing abilities, prevent plagiarism, and allow me to submit high-quality write-ups.

  1. From the course home page, find where you can see your current grade in the course.

From the course home page, I can locate my grades under the main tab which has Gradebook just beneath the syllabus.

  1. Click on “Syllabus” from the home page in the digital classroom. What are all the different sections found in the syllabus?

The syllabus tab contains the course name and code, instructor name, class resources/materials, topics and timeframe, participation requirements and Course grade scale.

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the webpage and click on “Library” from the left-hand menu. Find a time that a GCU Library Introduction webinar tour is available. Write down a time and date that one is offered.

The earliest possible date or a GCU Library Introduction webinar tour is Saturday, August 13, 2022, at 3:00 PM Arizona Time

Part B: Highlight the Correct Response

  1. From the Resources page of the Student Success Center, which of the following is not found under the “Explore Tools” link?
  2. The Writing Center
  3. New Student Success
  4. Virtual Campus Tour
  5. Academic Excellence Center
  6. What can be found in the Class Resources?
  7. Electronic Resources and Textbook
  8. Computer, Internet, and Software
  9. Pens, Paper, and Books
  10. The Syllabus, Discussion Forum, and Student Success Center
  11. Where do you find “Announcements” for a course?
  12. On the main page of your course in the digital classroom
  13. The Calendar
  14. The Syllabus
  15. The instructor emails them to you at the start of each week.
  16. What would you do if you wanted to ask your instructor a question in which you felt your classmates could benefit from the answer as well?
  17. Send him or her a personal email
  18. Post the question in the Discussion Forum
  19. Post the question in the Announcements
  20. Post the question in the Class Questions
  21. Looking at the Forums section of your digital classroom, which sections are not listed? (Select all that apply.)
  22. Discussion Forum
  23. Class Questions
  24. Assignment Forum
  25. Private Forum
  26. Where are the weekly topic learning objectives found?
  27. On the Calendar
  28. Within the topic itself
  29. In the Gradebook
  30. Under the Classroom Policies section
  31. Where is the syllabus found?
  32. Under the Calendar tab
  33. In the Announcements
  34. On the course home page
  35. In Topic 1


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