NURS 8114 Modules 1–2 Written Philosophy of Nursing Practice



As a nursing student, it is essential to have a well-rounded understanding of the field. In NURS 8114 Modules 1–2, students will explore the history and philosophy of nursing, the various branches, and their unique perspectives.

Nurses must understand the historical context in which nursing has developed. In module one, students will learn about philosophy in nursing practice. They will also explore the development of nursing theory and how it has evolved. In module two, students will focus on the different branches of nursing and their unique philosophies.

Each perspective provides valuable insights into the delivery of care. By the end of these two modules, students should have a firm grasp of the history and philosophy of nursing. This foundation will help them provide compassionate and competent care to their patients. Students get help with this assignment from our qualified tutors. Post your questions and get answers fast.

NURS 8114 Modules 1–2  Written Philosophy of Nursing Practice

As you begin your first Assignment in this course, a word about this image. Be aware that this team of smiling health care professionals will greet you with each Assignment and signal that the week involves beginning, developing, or completing a project that spans one or two modules. With each Assignment, aim to maximize your learning experience, to best prepare to lead your own confident and ready team.

This first Assignment will span Modules 1 and 2. Based on the Discussion in Week 1, you will prepare a written philosophy of nursing practice. You will start this week and continue developing your philosophy as you explore the Module 2 focus on theory applications to nursing. Learning Resources in Weeks 2 and 3, which comprise Module 2, will also support elements to include in your philosophy of nursing practice. Your Assignment is due by Day 7 of Week 3, so plan accordingly.

To prepare:

  • Review the Week 1 Learning Resources, and particularly the handout on writing a philosophy of nursing practice and specific considerations in developing a philosophy statement.
  • Search the Walden Library and other sources for additional scholarly resources to support your philosophy of nursing practice.
  • Reflect on your Week 1 Discussion post and comments from colleagues that help to clarify your philosophy of nursing practice.
  • Consider how to be proactive in articulating a philosophy of nursing practice that can guide and support your development as a DNP.
  • Consider how to express the Walden University requirement to be a social change agent within your philosophy.

The Assignment (3–5 pages)

Develop your written philosophy of nursing practice in a paper of 3–5 pages, plus cover page and references page, to include the following:

  • Apply recommended elements of a philosophy statement.
  • Explain how your philosophy can accommodate your expanded awareness of practice issues as a DNP.
  • Explain how your philosophy reflects or supports advocacy of social change as a DNP.
  • Identify at least two middle range nursing theories and explain how they support your philosophy of nursing practice. Be specific and provide examples.
  • Explain how one or more interdisciplinary theories inform your philosophy of nursing practice. Be specific and provide examples.

Reminder: The College of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. The Sample Paper provided at the Walden Writing Center provides an example of those required elements (available at All papers submitted must use this formatting.

Submit your Assignment by Day 7 of Week 3.

What’s Coming Up in Module 2!

In the next module, you will begin a 2-week exploration of nursing theory. You will expand your familiarity with different types of theories and how they apply to nursing practice. You will also identify a practice issue of particular interest or concern to you that you will address throughout the module. Start now to reflect on practice issues of consequence that you might select.

Module 2 Assignment: Developing Your Philosophy of Nursing Practice

Your Module 2 Assignment is a continuation of the philosophy of nursing practice that you began in Module 1 (Week 1). You will also consider how nursing theory applies to and influences your philosophy of nursing practice.

Module 2 Week 1: Philosophy of Nursing Practice

Imagine the illustrated “cloud” in this image could represent your thoughts as you consider your nursing practice, your nursing experiences, and the influences that shape your attitudes and beliefs about nursing and health care. Then imagine other clouds within view that represent perspectives on nursing practice held by others—and that if this image were enlarged, the clouds would multiply, to signify the full complement of professionals with whom you interact in a health care setting. How would it benefit you, the success of those health care teams—and, most importantly, patient care—to have clarity on the foundational beliefs that guide your practice, and that of others?

For this first week, you will work toward achieving that clarity as you frame—or review, revise, expand on—your philosophy of nursing practice and engage with peers who have joined you in pursuing their Doctor of Nursing Practice degree. Through the Discussion this week, and the Assignment you will begin, you will articulate your philosophy of nursing practice as you look for insight into what shapes your philosophy and contrasting philosophies of others. That understanding can be invaluable in your future work as a DNP leader advocating for change—often difficult for individuals and organizations—that promotes positive outcomes for patients and the larger society.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Explain philosophy of nursing practice
  • Analyze factors that influence philosophy of nursing practice
  • Recommend strategies for social change advocacy for the role of the DNP
  • Contrast philosophies of nursing practice
  • Analyze middle range nursing theories in relation to philosophies of nursing practice
  • Analyze interdisciplinary theories in relation to philosophies of nursing practice

Discussion: Philosophy of Nursing Practice

For this first course Discussion, you will present a philosophy of nursing practice that draws on your experience, area(s) of expertise, and beliefs. Looking ahead to your role as a DNP, also consider how to expand your awareness of issues beyond your own current practice—such as regarding diversity, global health, collaboration—and how to fulfill the Walden requirement to advocate for social change.

In short, begin now to commit to a higher level of contribution and practice as a DNP and to reflect that commitment in your philosophy of nursing practice for today and the future. As you continue through the course, note this image will appear with each Discussion and indicates an opportunity to connect your thinking with that of colleagues, for learning with and from one another.

To prepare:

  • Review the Week 1 Learning Resources. Pay particular attention to the Chapter 1 reading from McEwen and Wills, “Philosophy, Science, and Nursing.”
  • Reflect on your nursing experience, expertise you have developed, and beliefs about nursing and nursing practice you have formed as a result.
  • Consider how your philosophy of nursing practice is shaped by these elements.
  • Consider goals for expanding your professional awareness through the DNP program and the requirement as a Walden student to be an advocate for social change. How can your philosophy of nursing practice support you in these areas? How can these goals and Walden social change requirement enrich your philosophy of nursing practice?

With these thoughts in mind …

By Day 3 of Week 1

Post an explanation of your philosophy of nursing practice that briefly describes your nursing experience and area(s) of expertise. Be sure to explain your beliefs that inform your philosophy of nursing practice and your goals for expanding your experience and practice as a DNP (e.g., embrace of diversity, global health issues, collaboration). Then, explain the DNP role as a social change agent and recommend at least one way you will advocate for positive social change as a Walden DNP. Be specific and provide examples, with all citations in APA 7 style.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ posts.

By Day 6 of Week 1

Respond to at least two colleagues on 2 different days. Choose colleagues with different life experiences and beliefs from your own, and contrast how these factors have shaped their philosophies compared with yours. Also comment on their goals for expanding their experience, practice, and social change advocacy with suggestions or guidance based on your experience. Be specific and provide examples.

Note: For this Discussion, you are required to complete your initial post before you will be able to view and respond to your colleagues’ postings. Begin by clicking on the “Post to Discussion Question” link and then select “Create Thread” to complete your initial post. Remember, once you click on Submit, you cannot delete or edit your own posts, and you cannot post anonymously. Please check your post carefully before clicking on Submit!

Submission and Grading Information



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