PERIE Model and Process



The PERIE Model and Process was developed by Dr. Stephen R. Shirk, Professor Emeritus of Educational Psychology at the University of Illinois. The model is an eight-step sequential process for developing and validating educational assessments. If you are looking for PERIE Model and Process assignment help, you have come to the right place. Our nursing tutors provide the best possible assistance with your PERIE Model and Process assignments.

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HCS 457 WEEK 3: PERIE Model and Process directions:

Review the PERIE model and process described in Ch. 2 of Public Health 101: Healthy People-Healthy Populations (2nd ed.).

Complete each of the following steps for your team’s chosen public health issue or disease.

  • Review at least two websites identified in the Website Review and Summary assignment.
  • Create a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with speaker notes to summarize your findings pertaining to the issue or disease.
  • Explain epidemiology and its relationship to public health.
  • Describe the issue or disease.
  • Identify the underlying nature and cause of the issue or disease.
  • Analyze the uses and effects of demographic data, surveillance data, and vital statistics in public and community health.
    • Identify the demographics and effect of the issue or disease on the community.
    • Determine if the effects cross from community to state or national levels.
  • Analyze possible solutions for the issue or disease selected.
    • Identify possible solutions.
    • Explain how successful the solutions were.
    • Determine additional suggestions for treatment or resolution.
  • Include how the model served as a guide to understand the cause.

Include at least 4 APA formatted references in addition to the PERIE Model and Process text.

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