PSY 315 Week 4 Inferential Research and Statistics Project Part 2 (PTSD)



Many college students struggle to solve assignments and questions on PSY 315 Week 4 Inferential Research and Statistics Project Part 2 (PTSD). The main reason is that the course is very challenging and requires a lot of critical thinking.

In addition, the students are also required to use statistical methods to solve the assignment, which can be very difficult for some students. This assignment requires students to use the knowledge gained about inferential statistics to complete a real-world research project, questions, or case scenarios. You may collect data about a topic of interest and then use that data to answer research questions using the statistical methods covered in class.

If you're struggling with your PSY 315 Week 4 Inferential Research and Statistics Project Part 2 assignment, don't hesitate to get help. We are the qualified tutors available to help you with this project, and you must take advantage of them. PTSD is a serious topic, and your research must be thorough and accurate. With our help, you can ensure that your project is successful.

PSY 315 Week 4 Inferential Research and Statistics Project Part 2 (PTSD)

Analyze the data from Part 1 using Microsoft® Excel® software.

Write a 700- to 875-word paper that includes the following information:

  • Describe what method you are using to compare groups.
  • Copy and paste the output into a Microsoft® Word document, and also answer the following questions:
  • What is the significance level of the comparison?
  • What was the alpha level you identified in Week 3?
  • What was the means and variance for each variable?
  • What was the test statistic?
  • What was the critical value for both the one- and two-tailed test?
  • Was your test one-tailed or two-tailed?
  • Were you able to reject the null hypothesis? In other words, did you prove there was a difference?
  • Talk about what these results mean in everyday language and in context to your chosen scenario.
  • Make a recommendation based on the findings.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.



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