Queer Theory Analysis



Your analytical paper should be three pages in length, and it should use Queer Theory as a critical lens. Your introduction should include a single-sentence thesis statement with an original argument that uses Queer Theory to analyze either Machado or Woolf’s text. Avoid plot summaries, reportage, and value judgments.

This scholarly paper should consist of a well-qualified critical analysis of your text. Apply concrete concepts and terms from Gender Studies or Queer Theory, such as heteronormativity, patriarchy, intersectionality, gender binaries, performativity, the male gaze, and essentialism, in your analysis. Embrace the language of your theory.

Use textual evidence from your chosen text to support your argument. All textual evidence should be framed with an introduction and interpretation. Use at least three scholarly sources (such as the essays from our textbook or articles from scholarly journals). Three sources need to be cited. Choose one of these two texts: Machado, Carmen Maria. “The Husband Stitch.” Granta, 28 Oct. 2014. Woolf, Virginia. Orlando. 1928. Project Gutenberg Australia.



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