Take Home Exam



  1. Compare and contrast how two sources from the course readings theorize the body. [500-1000 words]
  2. Watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8w0mEfx91k Using at least two sources* from the semester (not used to answer previous question) conduct an analysis where you demonstrate your understanding of the different levels of signification occurring in the video.  You might want to address the different bodies, ways of moving, scenery, choreographic structure and choices, editing, and the underlying message (if at all) of the video. Make sure you read about the video, the artists involved (musicians, choreographer, director) and the context under it was filmed as well as the dancers asked to participate. Remember to be critical in your analysis rather than merely descriptive. [500-1000 words]
  3. This is from a recent interview with Dance Professor Thomas F. DeFrantz. Full link to interview here (Links to an external site.)

    How does your practice function within the world we have now?

    Working online is okay for now, but Black cultures thrive in proximity.  We have to think about what a year of social distancing might yield; how would our work land differently in exploring aspects of Black life lived apart from a vibrant, expressive group? How will our social norms and expectations shift towards other sorts of social justice needs, maybe in terms of access to clean Internet signal as well as clean water and food, cleaning supplies? What sorts of sounds and movements will Black people invent, when revising how we gather and consecrate time? Our practice is an imagining and a making toward possibilities; it might function now, but it will ‘certainly take some time to align our projects with how we now relate to screens, and a larger anxiety towards other bodies. In this different sort of environment, we have work to do.

    Briefly share one self-care tip that has special meaning to you now.

    Get away from the screen. Let your eyes unfocus, and your ears unhear. Breathe into a blur. Rest.

     Using this quote as a point of departure, pick a dance of your choice and apply how the dance helps to unpack the quote (or vice versa). Again, you must be attentive to all of the significations happening in the video and how they help elucidate Dr DeFrantz’s words or how his words help give richer meaning to the video. You must engage with 2 sources from the course as well (not used in your answers for previous questions).  [500-1000 words 

  4. Things to note: *All sources must be included in your essay as in text citations (MLA, APA, Chicago, whichever one you use is fine, just be consistent) and you must have a final list of references at the end.


400 Level . I will upload all necessary supporting documents that should be used to answer essay questions. 



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