Best Paragraph Starters for Writing the Perfect Essay

Best Paragraph Starters for Writing the Perfect Essay
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A good essay combines well-articulated ideas packed in the best vocabulary and structure. The perfect essay should open the reader's imagination to a problem and provide satisfactory answers to address the issue at hand. This blogpost addresses the best paragraph starters and their significance in any writing.

A good paragraph starter should tune the reader's attention to the discussion's new idea. It should automatically prompt the reader that the rest of the paragraph is about an independent point or argument. So, what are the best paragraph starters, and how do you use them in your writing?

What Is a Good Paragraph Starter?

A good paragraph starter should prompt the reader that you are introducing a new idea. It should also draw reference to the essay's topic to remind them that the point you are introducing in that section of your writing is related to the topic being discussed.

What are starter words for a paragraph? Paragraph starters differ depending on the section of your writing. For instance, the paragraph starter for your introduction is not the same as the conclusion paragraph. These examples will highlight how they differ and provide a guide you could use when writing your essay:

Introduction Paragraph Starters

How do you start off a first paragraph? These are the sentence starters for essays' introduction paragraph:

In this report on (subject), we shall address the following issues...

  • This report is about (subject). In particular, it will address...
  • This blogpost explore...
  • This essay looks at...

Body Paragraph Starters

The contents of a body paragraph differ depending on the type of essay and the arguments being discussed. For instance, how you package your points in an argumentative essay differs from a persuasive essay. Nonetheless, these are the paragraph starters for the different kinds of essays:

Presenting an Argument

What are the 7 sentence openers? While presenting an argument, these are the paragraph starters you could consider using:

  • On the one hand…
  • On the other hand…
  • It could be said that…
  • Alternatively…
  • One point of view is that…
  • Some people feel strongly that…
  • Despite this...
  • Whereas many…
  • Others would…
  • It could be argued…
  • Nevertheless…
  • Equally
  • Similarly
  • Such attitudes…
  • These issues…

Reporting an Argument

In the case you are reporting or providing facts related to your arguments, these are paragraph starters you could consider using:

  • In cases where…
  • The great majority…
  • This provides…
  • This has meant that…
  • The difference…
  • What this means is…
  • There is /are…
  • It is important to …
  • In this period…
  • What is proposed is…
  • The most significant…
  • All these factors…
  • One disadvantage…
  • It is easy /difficult to…
  • Recent research…
  • For many years…

Presenting Evidence

If you are presenting evidence to back up your claims, the are some good paragraph starters you could consider using:

  • For example…
  • Similarly…
  • Research shows…
  • This is supported by…
  • Statistics show that…
  • It is clear from…
  • Facts such as this show…
  • Clearly…
  • Naturally…
  • Obviously…
  • Surely…
  • Certainly…
  • It follows that…

Explaining an Idea

When explaining an idea or developing issue, these are the sentence starters you could use:

  • Consequently…
  • Therefore…
  • Since…
  • In fact…
  • What is more…
  • In addition…
  • In other words…
  • For this reason…
  • In my opinion….
  • I believe….
  • I am sure of…
  • We all know….
  • I know……
  • I feel that….
  • We all agree…
  • While I agree…
  • You must agree that….
  • Some may say….
  • In truth….
  • The facts are...
  • The fact is...
  • Without a doubt...
  • It is certain...
  • The facts are clear...
  • It is clear...
  • Clearly...
  • While it is clear that...
  • It has been said...

Comparing Situations

If your essay involves drawing a comparison between two situations or scenarios, these are the paragraph starters you could consider:

  • Equally…
  • Similarly…
  • In the same way…
  • As with…
  • Likewise…
  • Again…
  • However…
  • Although…
  • Nevertheless…
  • Despite this…
  • Alternatively…
  • On the other hand…
  • Whereas…
  • Compared to…
  • Less obvious is…
  • More significantly…


When emphasizing a point, these are the sentence starters for essays you could consider using:

  • In particular…
  • Significantly…
  • Specifically…
  • Above all…
  • Most importantly…


If your essay involves issuing instructions, these are the sentence starters you could consider using:

  • When…
  • Before…
  • You will need…
  • Make sure that…
  • First of all…
  • Next…
  • You should…
  • You could…
  • In order to…
  • So that…
  • After having…
  • When you have…
  • Meanwhile…
  • Whenever…
  • It is important to…
  • Above all…
  • Do not forget…

Putting Ideas in Order

If you wish to present your ideas and views in a particular order, these are the sentence starters to use:

  • Firstly…
  • The first point is…
  • Secondly…
  • The second point is…
  • Next…
  • Meanwhile…
  • Whenever…
  • Eventually…
  • Finally...


While winding up on your writing, these are the conclusion paragraph starters to use:

  • In brief…
  • On the whole…
  • To sum up…
  • In conclusion
  • To finish…
  • Finally…
  • All that has been said...
  • It follows therefore, that…

This list of paragraph starters highlights the diverse ways you could use to introduce your paragraphs. Regardless of the type of essay you are writing about, there are different ways you could use them. You can never have too many paragraph starters in your writing. Instead, they do more than piece up the parts of an essay.

Writing the perfect essay might be daunting. However, that is not reason enough to give you sleepless nights, especially since Acemyhomework is willing to come to your aid. We are a team of competent and reliable expert tutors focused on helping students reach their full academic potential by scoring highly in their tests and assignments.

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