How To End A College Essay - The Best Strategies And Tips For Students

How To End A College Essay - The Best Strategies And Tips For Students
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A bad college essay conclusion can make your application to end up on the rejection list. But if you conclude the right way, you will leave a good impression on the admission officer and motivate them to accept you into that college. Therefore, a great conclusion can set you apart from the rest of the competitors. 

The problem is that not many students have mastered the art of writing a good essay ending. Besides, after writing the introduction and body, the last part may be harder to craft because you feel you have said everything. Luckily, with these best strategies and helpful tips, you will know how to end a college essay the right way.

How To Conclude A College Essay

Are you searching online for how to end a college application essay in a powerful way? Keep reading. Our writers have written numerous successful college application essays; hence they know how to tie everything together to ensure your conclusion makes sense to the reader. So how do you end a personal essay?

Option 1: Have a Hopeful and Positive Ending

Successful college admission essays end by looking forward to the future. The trick is to avoid sounding cliché or generalizing. Instead, be positive about your academic goals and the college you intend to accomplish them. Keep the conclusion specific to you to show originality, uniqueness, and to further impress the admission board. 

Option2: Save Your Main Message for the Last Part

Students often make the mistakes of giving all the crucial points in the introduction and body section and then using the summary in the conclusion. A good ending for a college admission essay should not restate your main points as it shows repetition. So instead of a summary or stating the obvious, reveal a main point in the conclusion.

Option 3: Allow Your Work to Speak For Itself

Most great college essay endings make it a point to let the achievements and work mentioned speak for themselves and allow the admission officers to draw their own conclusions. This is a great trick to keep the reader interested to know more about you which motivates them to give you an admission letter. 

This trick also prevents you from saying you hope to be accepted as it will look like you are desperate. Besides, when the main points are direct and clearly stated, they make it easier for the reader to draw their own conclusion.

Option 4: Address the Admission Officer

It’s essential to remind the admission officer how enthusiastic you are about joining that specific college without sounding desperate. Also, mention why you want to study in that particular institution and what to stand to gain. 

Be clear, straight to the point, and confident in your future plans. Remember, the purpose of submitting a college essay is to convince the board that you will be a great addition to their college. So don’t hesitate to show how a life lesson or values gained points to your future success and growth. 

Option 5: Use the Theme of Your Essay

College essay prompts often require the student to talk about hardships they encountered and how the individual overcame them. College essay prompts are also similar because they all aim to give the admission board a sense of your personality beyond the transcripts and other documents submitted in your application. 

So choose the prompt wisely to showcase your interest, aspirations, and view of the world. Then use the prompt to develop a theme and an ending strategy for the essay. Some of the themes you can explore in your essay include:

  • Overcoming fear
  • Overcoming adversity
  • Learning an important lesson
  • Making the most of a difficult situation

After selecting a theme, come up with a strategy on how your essay will start and end so that it feels unified or complete. Telling a true story is a great way to craft a good ending for your essay.

Option 6: Use a Thought-Provoking Question

Successful college essays make use of a thought-provoking question or call for some sort of action. A thought-provoking conclusion will leave the reader impressed as it’s a unique way of ending an essay. So maximize your creativity and use artistic tools such as irony or add an unexpected ending to make your essay memorable. 

How Do You Conclude A Common App Essay?

In a Common App essay, a student will select one of the prompts and write between 250 and 650 words about it. The trick to writing a good conclusion for the Common App essay is to make it memorable. Create a story and make the conclusion part the ending of your narrative. You might also opt to reference back to the introduction to restate the thesis statement and give crucial key outcomes. 

How Do You Start And End A College Essay?

Start a college essay with a statement that hooks the audience from the beginning and motivates them to read further. Then use the conclusion to create a feeling of completeness or having come full circle. 

Avoid Common Conclusion

How do you conclude a college essay? If you are asking this question, the chances are high that you don’t want to use common phrases that have been overused in so many average college essays. Some words to avoid in conclusion are:

  • In summary
  • To conclude the essay
  • To end
  • My final point
  • In short
  • To sum it up
  • In conclusion

Since it’s the last paragraph, the admission officer can clearly see that it’s the conclusion. So using the common phrases shows a lack of creativity or something interesting to say. Instead, revisit the introduction and resolve the conflict it sets up. For example, if you started with an anecdote, revisit the story to illustrate a larger point made in the essay and use the last paragraph to resolve the conflict.

A college admission essay without a good ending may fail to win the hearts of the admission board. So use the above tricks and strategies to ensure your conclusion makes a lasting first impression. But if you still don’t know how to end a college essay, place your order now and let our experts help you write a strong ending for your paper.


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