How to write an essay on observation: Winning essay writing guide

How to write an essay on observation: Winning essay writing guide
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Most college writing classes require a student to write an essay on observation to test their narration skills or how well they hone the craft. First, what is an observation essay? An essay on observation requires you to write about everything you see in your everyday life. It requires you to look at something keenly and explain how you feel and what you see. So, what do you need to know on how to write an essay on observation? 

How to write an essay on observation

Unlike an argumentative or informative essay, an observation essay gives the writer's perception of a phenomenon or experience. It records the writer's feelings and not information gathered through research. An observation essay can be written in the first, second or third person's point of view. An observer uses figurative language to describe the setting, an experience or an object. 

These are the crucial steps followed when writing an observation paper.

1. Select the subject

Decide on the aspect of observation you wish to write about. What are examples of observations? Your observation could be a taste, sound, a smell, a feeling or something you saw. Alternatively, you could ask yourself a question and make your observation subject about the answer to your question. 

2. Describe the aspects of observation

The introduction accounts for the first paragraph. It should comprise five sentences. The first sentence should be attention-grabbing enough to make the reader want to read it aloud. For instance, I always see young boys with unkempt hair as I walk down the street.

The following four sentences should describe the same aspect of observation but in different ways. However, you should be careful not to repeat a word you have already used. 

Ensure that the five sentences connect and form a logical structure. If need be, add transitions to relate them.

3. Create the final sentence

The final sentence should provide a summary of the aspect of observation. So, how do you write an observation? You could say, I think we should enlighten the young boys on the importance of being presentable and how it impacts their image.

4. Expand the essay

Come up with heading and expound on them. Expand the sentences to full paragraphs. Nonetheless, you should be careful to ensure the paper has a logical flow. 

5. Add any extra information 

Add a recommendation about your observation in the conclusion paragraph. For instance, you could say, I am impressed to see young men embracing their hair, regardless of its texture or colour. 

Structure of an observation paper

How do you write an observation essay? These are the parts that make up an observation essay and what they entail.

Observation essays have a different structure based on their length, topic and writer. They have five paragraphs: the introduction, three body paragraphs and the conclusion. 

The introduction

The introduction gives a brief description of the topic of the observation essay.

Body paragraphs

The three or more body paragraphs should embody the different aspects of observation.

The conclusion

The conclusion should entail your recommendation based on the observation you made. It could be a detailed paragraph or a few sentences. 

Observation essay examples

The details on the structure and contents do not explain how to write an observation essay. So, this example of an observation essay puts them into perspective. This written observation example is about a place.

I spend the most time in three rooms in my house: my living room, kitchen and bedroom. They are next to each other, and the kitchen is at the furthest corner. I prefer having dinner or breakfast in my kitchen. It has a wide window which gives the best view of the trees in my backyard. It also illuminates the sun's bright rays every morning, perfect for my morning meditation. 

The living room separates my kitchen and bedroom. Again, it has wide windows which give the best view of my front porch, gorgeous house plants and a well-manicured lawn. The comfortable sofas in my living room make me cosy enough to enjoy a movie. The wall's white paint fill the space with warmth, and the wallflowers emit a beautifully fresh scent, keeping the room cosy.

There are dark-toned wood furniture pieces that complement the living room's bright walls. The hints of greenery from the two house plants at the entryway and the eucalyptus stems in the vase on the coffee table tie everything together.

The bedroom displays my minimalistic love for eclectic and mid-century furniture. The centre of attention is the black-painted focal wall, which complements the colour of my beddings. Next to my bed is a decorative dummy book and a scented candle that radiates warmth into the room. 

I am obsessed with the furniture in my house. I like that I did not limit myself to a specific style. Every room embodies a different style and reflects on my personality. 

This example of an observation essay depicts how easy it is to come up with this kind of essay. However, your tutor might require you to write observation paper examples on topics you are unfamiliar with. Do not shy away from reaching out for help if you encounter this incident. 

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