What is a Term Paper? Structure, Tips, Outline, Guide, Sample

What is a Term Paper? Structure, Tips, Outline, Guide, Sample
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Writing can be enjoyable until you face the challenge of writing a term paper, which often leaves students feeling anxious about their knowledge of the course. A term paper requires extensive research and must be well-organized. What does a term paper contain? Many students still have this question. So, do you want to know the secret recipe for writing a remarkable term paper that can help you get the elusive A+? Just go through the whole guide, and you will get the gist. Follow along with this article to find out more.

What is a Term Paper? 

Is a term paper an essay? A term paper is not just an essay. It is a research-driven writing task that students complete and submit to their instructor at the end of an academic term. Writing a term paper requires a longer commitment than writing a simple essay. Due to its nature, it necessitates extensive research and must be well-written and organized. Typically, a student works on a topic assigned by the instructor, which could range from an event description, a case study, a concept, or an argument. Through this assignment, students are expected to demonstrate their understanding and analysis of the subject matter, showcasing their ability to conduct thorough research and present their findings coherently.

How Long is a Term Paper? 

An average term paper for a college student typically spans several pages in length. There is no fixed length, as instructors often have the authority to set the structure and length requirements for the paper, which students are expected to follow. Generally, a term paper should be between five to seven pages and contain at least 1500 words. Each page usually includes two paragraphs, structured like a typical essay, with a topic sentence, supporting details, transitions, and examples. 

Term Paper Tips 

You usually receive a specific topic for your term paper in a particular course. However, if that is not the case, you can explore the internet, read magazines, and look through articles for inspiration. Ensure that the chosen topic effectively conveys your thoughts and ideas.

How do you write a term paper? 

The following should be considered when selecting the proper term paper: 

Title: This is a plan title of your research. Make sure it's clear. 

Objectives: Your research outcomes should be clear in this part. 

Relevance and Importance: make sure to include recent articles, news, blogs, and social events that relay the significance of the topic make sure it's up to date and is captivating Term Paper Outline In your term paper, an outline can also act as a guide in your writing process. You need to arrange all the issues that you will need to discuss and the aim of the paper overall. Here is an outline that you can work with for your term paper:

Introduction or purpose of the paper: This part includes making the problem and the thesis known to the reader. 

Body: This phase is divided into different headings and subheadings in connection with the topic. 

For example: 

Heading 1: State the history of the problem. Include some past trials at solutions. 

Heading 2: Impacts of the problem, who was affected? The extent of the problem. 

Heading 3: Effects of the Problem. 

Heading 4: Solutions available in the future. 

• Conclusion: Give a solid answer to the thesis by summing up the points made in the term paper. 

Term Paper Structure 

A term paper structure should be well organized and researched. Your writing skills should be impeccable in planning your ideas. The following is a term paper structure that can be observed in presenting your topic: 

• Cover page: The text alignment that contains your name, registration number, course name, your teacher's name, and the due date in the middle of the page. 

Abstract: Normally less than a page, describing your work, the issues at hand, and why you chose the topic was interesting to you enough to write about. 

Introduction: Make it short, direct to the point, and combine the conclusion in a sneak peek. It should also include your thesis statement and begin with the topic in discussion. Explain the topic problem and how you plan to resolve the issue. 

Literature Review: This is about reviewing the literature used. Collect all the relevant information your supervisor is likely to countercheck every statement in this stage to account for credibility. The body is also in this stage where your main points should be included. 

Results: Explain reasons why your research makes you believe your argument. And give a reason why your view has changed. Tie it all up to your introduction. 

Discussion: Give a summary of the topic in question. Have an opening question to prompt your readers to have more conversation. 

Conclusion: This is a summary of content and purpose. Make it juicy, restate your thesis statement. You are posing a rhetorical question that makes your readers more curious and wanting more. 

Sample of a Term Paper 

Let’s find out what is a good term paper example? Here is an introduction of a model of a test paper submitted by Maria –Medved on Four Trends Revolutionizing the Hospitality Industry.


The technology world is constantly changing and proliferating. With these constant changes, it can be difficult for the hospitality industry to keep up. Therefore, it is exceptionally vital that hotels, restaurants, casinos, cruise ships, and other hospitality sectors pay close attention to revolutionizing technologies that will give their business a competitive advantage. The four leading technology trends revolutionizing and positively affecting the hospitality industry are virtual reservations, high-tech meeting and public spaces, catering to multiple mobile devices, and online reviews. 

Types of a Term Paper 

There are various types of term papers that you can consider while writing. 

Definition papers 

They are easy as you only need to give any information on a chosen topic. No room for second-guessing or analyzing. You provide facts from your research. 

Compare and contrast papers 

These can be used widely in various subjects. You might be given a paper to compare and contrast psychology, politics, or any other topic. Your work is to have a thesis and support it with information from two perspectives. 

Argumentative papers 

This one requires an overview of both directions of a contested issue, analyzes and present various aspects of each side of an argument, give present information and in the end, favor aside in an idea. 

Analytical papers 

These are similar to argumentative essays /papers where you must give different viewpoints from different professionals. Argue from a factual point of analysis, not adding an opinion. 

Interpretive papers 

These papers give you enough room to express your opinion and critical thinking skills. Sometimes you can be required to discuss a piece of art. Here you can drive your focus in the techniques used by artists. 

In conclusion, we hope you are familiar with writing a term paper, as AceMyHomework academic writing is our forte. We pride ourselves in our excellent and experienced writers who can assist you with tackling any writing work you may have.

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