Latest Homework Answers

GCU Health Policy Proposal Assignment


Question DescriptionI’m trying to learn for my Nursing class and I’m stuck. Can you help?Select a current or proposed health care policy that is designed to improve a specific population’s access to quality, cost-effective health care. In a paper of 1,000-1,250 words, include the following:Explain the...

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Assignment: Impaired Tissue Perfusion


A Potential Problem Related To This Procedure Includes Impaired Tissue Perfusion Related To Haematoma Formation Or Bleeding.The simulation scenario involved Mr Bright who had just undergone an angioplasty. A potential problem related to this procedure includes impaired tissue perfusion related to haematoma formation or...

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Discussion: Nursing Diagnosis Handbook


Please do Parts A, B, C of the following case study. Uploadyour results to the drop boxAckley: Nursing Diagnosis Handbook, 11th EditionLecture NotesProblem-Based Learning/Critical ThinkingCase Study – Carlo Stamm (Peanut Allergy)Case...

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Chickenpox Epidemiological Triangle


NRS 427V Week 2 Assignment Benchmark Assignment: Epidemiology PaperChickenpox Epidemiological Triangle Details:In a written paper of 1,200-1,500 words, apply the concepts of epidemiology and nursing research to a communicable disease.Communicable Disease...

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Week 6 Group Discussion 1: Practice Theory Evaluation


For this discussion post, our group will be collaborating regarding the complexity, clarity, parsimony, sociocultural utility, and the relevance to the article Moving Beyond Dwelling in Suffering: A Situation-Specific Theory of Men’s Healing from Childhood Maltreatment by Willis et al. (2015). As stated in the article by Willis et al. (2015),...

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Raphael’s The Alba Madonna


1. Which of these paintings do you like the best? Raphael’s The Alba Madonna on page 120 or Salvador Dali’s The Persistence of Memory. Why? What is this painting “saying” to you.2. What did Picasso mean when he said we should all go through life like children?3. On pg. 141 is an important...

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Assignment: Gastroenteritis in Children


What are 5 questions you would ask the mother next?1. How high was the temperature and how was it taken (eg, rectal, temporal, axillary, or not taken at all, just by touch)?2. Any home meds given for fever or is the patient taking any medication OTC or prescribed?3. How much is the patient feeding and wetting diapers...

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Professional Nursing and State-Level Regulations NRSE 6050


People, regardless of political affiliation, often get concerned when they consider how the government’s apparent competing interests may affect matters that are important to them. Healthcare is no exception in this regard. Some people believe that interests that are not good to society can help or hinder local, state, and federal policies...

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Nursing Interview Assignment


1. Select your interviewee and schedule an interview. This individual must be a Registered Nurse. Job titles of RNs who may be considered include, but are not limited to, nursing clinical information manager, super user, director/manager clinical education, chief information officer, quality assurance or performance improvement nurse, nurse...

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The Dance Of Anger Application


 Personal Application Of Harriet Lerner’s, “The Dance Of Anger”Assignment:Review information about the Dance of Anger, which can be found in Chapter 5 of the textbook.Describe the different styles of anger management as proposed by...

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Assignment: Patient-Centered Care Report


Evidence–Based Health Evaluation and ApplicationQuestion descriptionPatient-Centered Care Report:Write a report on the application of population health improvement initiative outcomes to patient-centered care, based on information presented in an interactive multimedia scenario.In this...

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Legal and Ethical Conduct Assignment


As emphasized in this week’s media presentation, all nurses need to be familiar with the laws and regulations that govern their practice: their state’s Nurse Practice Act, ANA’s Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, specialty group standards of practice, etc. In addition, basic ethical principles guide nurses’...

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Incorporating Feedback


DNP 830 Topic 8 DQ 1Describe how you can be intentional when incorporating feedback from your content expert and faculty chair when revising your prospectusDNP 830 Topic 8 DQ 2Your prospectus will require many updates and changes as you progress through the program. Your literature review chapter...

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Therapeutic Communication- Case Discussion


Therapeutic Communication- Case ScenariosCase #1- The patient was admitted 2 days ago with a diagnosis of cancer. She was informed by her doctor that a course of radiation and chemotherapy was her best option. She became very upset and frightened about the proposed treatment and stated that she wasn’t sure if she would...

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Histograms And Descriptive Statistics


 Assignment PreparationThis unit provides context for an upcoming assignment on histograms and descriptive statistics in Unit 3. Look ahead at the instructions and scoring guide for the Unit 3 assignment so that you have it in mind as you study the materials and complete the activities in this...

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