Latest Homework Answers

NURS 4455 Assignment 1 Leadership Self-Assessment


Do you view yourself as a leader?You have, no doubt, served as a leader in some situations, but you may not yet envision yourself as a leader in the nursing environment. This course is designed to help you recognize the leadership and management qualities you bring to the profession, sharpen and enhance those skills, and to encourage you...

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Assignment 2: Individual Power Plan


What can you do to develop your individual power base? This week, you have heard and read about several types and sources of power. For this Assignment, consider your goals and how enhancing your own power may help you to achieve them.To PrepareReflect on your personal current sense of power within your...

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Assignment: Socratic Problem-Solving Approach Health Care Problem Analysis


Describe the health care problem or issue you selected for use in Assessment 2 (from the Assessment Topic Areas | Transcript media piece) and provide details about it.To explore your chosen topic, you should use the first four steps of the Socratic Problem-Solving Approach to aid your critical thinking. This approach was introduced in the...

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Neurology Case Study


The case study should be between 750 minimum words, and all sources must be properly cited using APA format. Written in Essay Format.Amy is cooking dinner for her family. She moves to pull a pot off the stove and accidentally touches the burner. She reflexively pulls her finger away from the stove and immediately feels the...

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How can teachers balance children’s play in a planned learning environment and planned curriculum? How will this vary for different age groups?

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Take Home Exam


Compare and contrast how two sources from the course readings theorize the body. [500-1000 words]  Watch this video Using at...

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Organization Effectiveness and Success


It is important for organizations to be able to measure the effectiveness of their systems and the success of these, as well as the organization as a whole. In order to measure success, an organization may have to look for deficiencies and ways to change or modify the structure to overcome deficiencies in order to achieve success. This...

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Module 4 Dis 1


There have been suggestions made by people in the field that open systems theory creates problems. What are the most significant problems that could arise when using open systems theory? Given these problems, is it worth using open systems theory in an organization? Why or why not?

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Module 4 Dis 2


Can organizations be successful without using open systems theory? Why or why not? If open systems theory is more likely to lead to organizational success, why do more organizations not use it? Explain.

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Operation Management Today


Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you explain operation management's role in business today. Include the following: Define operations management. Discuss the key factors that have contributed to the evolution of operations management. Explain how...

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Organizational Shift


As organizations shift to becoming digital and virtual, leaders need to provide the vision, communicate the need for change, and inspire internal members and stakeholders of the organization to implement change. At the same time, the modern age of business is one of unprecedented transparency. As a result, ethical behavior must be part of the...

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