Should Homework Be Banned Debate the Pros and Cons

Should Homework Be Banned Debate the Pros and Cons
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Homework always seems like an inevitable side of the school. However, more schools realize that it might be a hurdle for students who struggle to find a balance between personal life, studies, and work. The homework should be banned debate has raised more worries as teachers and parents find themselves yet at another crossroads to give the students the best life. Read along to find out the pros and cons of why homework should be banned?

Should Homework Be Banned Essay?

This kind of essay piques interest of students as many engage in them. At Acemyhomework, we pride ourselves on providing the best essays on whichever topic you have. Our writers strive to ensure that your essay is a killer and they are just available at a click of a button.

Just like any essay, you will need a strong introduction with a killer hook and a focus on the thesis; the body needs to give the correct intentions and put in mind the pros and cons of why homework should be banned. The conclusion should focus on the thesis and recommendations and why it is essential.

Should homework be not banned?  Is still a question that has left many parents and teachers with more questions than answers. While some arguments clearly show homework has been an impediment to many students, there is equally with the same vigor of studies that show homework has helped shape the future of students theoretically.

Why Should Homework Be Banned?

There is a significant debate on banning homework, and some parents are at the forefront of fighting for this as the adverse effects they experience from their children affect them due to the high amount of homework.

Here are some of the pros and cons of why homework should be banned:

Pros of Banning Homework

While this debate is still rising and many reasons are being given left, right, and center, it is good to know that anything in excess can have consequences and, in most cases, not a great one. See below, why homework should be banned 10 reasons?

  • Mental Health 

Students who keep on working on their many assignments tend to be stressed, exhausted, and have headaches and the result is burnout. When students have a lot on their plate, they forget to sleep and can hardly form functioning relationships with their families.

  • Sometimes Homework Does Not Improve Academic Outcomes

Little to no scientific research has proved homework is practical; however, an analysis done in 2006 shows that for 6th and 7th graders, there was a correlation between homework and achievements. But as students get to higher levels, that is not the case as most people focus more on what they want in life.

  • Less Interest in Subjects With Lots of Homework

It is a no-brainer that students spend more time in school than home. However, when they are back at home, there is no change of routine as they spend the most time working on their respective assignments. In most cases, students are afraid of performing poorly in various subjects leading them to do certain subjects repeatedly, and the result is a lack of interest in those subjects or courses. 

  • Homework Derange Family Life

As is known, students tend to spend more time with their teachers than parents. They spend more time doing assignments than having some family time with homework. In the end, the family bond is not as strong as they have little to no time to focus on family.

  • Disrupts School-Life Balance

School life is not just about attending classes, doing your homework, and hitting the books. Especially in college, which is a perfect period when people evolve and decide on various career paths they love. With the growing amount of assignments, it is harder for students to manage their time well, missing crucial steps and opportunities that make life worth living. 

  • Homework Strains Extracurricular Activities

Students who are more engrossed in homework have zero to no time to focus on other activities like games that can improve their brain activity. As they say, work with no play makes John a dull boy. 

  • Health Issues

Aside from the mental health, physical fitness is also at risk. Some students do a lot of junk stress eating leading to obesity. In contrast, others do not eat, leading to loss of weight, both of which are a disturbance to an individual's health.

  • Lack of a Home Environment for Some Students

Doing homework at home is okay until the setting is not conducive at all. For some, students face various challenges while doing their homework at home, such as noise, family problems, and chores, to mention a few.

  • Homework Creates More Working Hours for Students

Like any typical job that has 8-12 hours of work with homework, it means students get to do more hours, which eventually leads to burnout and dropout. 

  • Retaining Data Is Difficult

Having homework might be okay until you have 100 questions that you must provide answers to within a stipulated period. Not only will that kill your morale, you are most likely to understand a fraction of it perfectly and swing your way through the rest. 

The Cons:

 People are considering banning homework but have you thought of having no task? Having homework has its benefits, as stated below:

  • Homework Often Gets Parents Involved

Some parents realize what their kids are learning when allowed to assist their kids with homework.

  • Screen Time

When students get a lot of homework, they tend to ignore devices that otherwise could be causing more harm than good; gadgets are a severe issue nowadays. Phone addiction is a serious issue and is on the rise.

  • Time Management Skills

 One way of being positive with homework is that students always work around time to do everything on assignment and still work around socializing and advancing their career. As a result, students learn the art of time management.

  • Homework Helps in Tracking Students’ Performance and Understanding

The primary reason for homework is to track the student's grasp academically. It is also a less pressured environ than having students show what they know in a class setting.

  • Improve Children and Parents Relationships

When kids turn to their parents for assistance, they develop a shared understanding and form trust, and by this, the relationship between parents and children evolve. 

  • Homework Nurtures Independent Learning and Study Skills

Practice requires discipline. With homework, the students learn to be patient and disciplined to complete and understand their work in time. By doing the assignment by themselves, they also become independent, skills that any person will benefit from along the road of success.

After learning the pros and cons of banning homework, some might still ask when will homework be banned. Ultimately, the decision lies with the various districts and educators. No matter your argument about homework banning, there is still more research to conduct. As of now, the issue is still more of an opinion.

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