What Is the Last Step To Creating An Argumentative Essay?

What Is the Last Step To Creating An Argumentative Essay?
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What Is the Last Step To Creating An Argumentative Essay?

While most students focus more on producing a captivating introduction and convincing body section, often, they put little effort into the last part of the argumentative essay, which ends up costing them a good grade. 

To ensure you don’t make this mistake, we have composed this guide to help answer questions such as what is the last step to creating an argumentative essay. In this post, you will also find a step-by-step procedure for writing this type of academic paper the correct way. 

What Is the Last Step To Creating An Argumentative Essay?

Revising is the last step to creating a quality argumentative essay. Good revision often encompasses editing and proofreading to help transform a draft into a quality academic paper worthy of an A+ grade. Thus it’s essential to assign ample time to complete each process without rushing to beat the deadline. 

Revision entails correcting grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes and giving it a thorough review from a fresh perspective. This is to ensure the writing is clear, concise, and engaging. It’s also a way to step back from the writing process, look at the text as a whole, and determine if the argument made is persuasive. 

Part of the revision process is checking the content written and ensuring it meets all assignment requirements. Don’t forget to check the structure, organization, citations, and thesis statement. Ensure you have stronger arguments defending your stand. But which question can most help a writer revise an argumentative essay? 

You will know you have revised your paper thoroughly if the content answers this question: Do details support the claim? Revising is not the only crucial step to producing convincing argumentative essays. Listed below is the argumentative essay structure. 

Parts of an Argumentative Essay

There are five essential parts of an argumentative essay:

  1. Introduction
  2. Body paragraphs with supporting evidence
  3. Concessions/Counterclaims
  4. Refutation
  5. Conclusion

In what order do you write an argumentative essay? Like any other academic paper, an argumentative essay must be organized, and all the sections mentioned above must be written in order starting with a hook in the introduction. But a student may ask, what is the last paragraph in an argumentative essay? A conclusion is the last paragraph of an argumentative essay. Appropriate transitions should be used to connect the body sections and ensure a smooth flow of ideas. 

How to Write an Argumentative Essay Step-By-Step

A well-written argumentative essay has a clear stand or position on an issue. It also requires the student to give logical reasons and evidence, facts, or research to support the claims made. But what are the 5 steps of an argumentative essay? These are the correct argumentative essay steps to follow:

Step 1: Choose an Appropriate Topic

You need a topic that you can argue for or against. In some instances, a teacher can assign a topic, but if not, look at areas of interest where you also have background information to help make it easier to write. 

Step 3: Research 

To make a strong argument, you have to conduct extensive research on the topic. This strategy also helps you get scholarly evidence/outside sources to support the thesis statement and gain insight into unique angles that haven’t been explored yet. 

Step 4: Write an Outline

Use the outline to plan the structure of the essay. Decide how many paragraphs you want the body section to have, then assign each one the main point or a topic sentence. For each point, ensure you have one or two pieces of evidence that tie back to the thesis statement. A good outline will assign topic sentences for an introduction, body, and conclusion. 

Step 5: Write the Argumentative Essay

Writing a quality argumentative essay requires a student to follow the following steps. 


The first sentence of your essay should be a hook which is a fact, quote, or statistic that grabs the professor’s attention. Using an anecdote as a hook is another great way to create a connection between you and the reader. 

Background information comes right after the hook. Its function is to give a summary of what you intend to discuss in your essay. The thesis statement is the last sentence of the introduction. It states your stand and what you wish to argue.

State the Main Argument and Give Evidence

The body paragraph of an essay must contain evidence to support your claim. This can be in the form of facts, data/statistics, research, or examples. During the writing process focus more on providing evidence that supports your claim to convince the teacher to see things from your viewpoint and assign a good grade.


Depending on the final word count requested by your professor, you might choose to keep the counterclaim in one paragraph. For a longer essay, include the opposing side in each body paragraph. This helps to add credibility to your essay. 


When writing this essay section, refute opposing arguments' stance to prove to the reader why your position is more accurate than the opposing idea. The trick is to use this body paragraph to show why the counterargument is not as strong as your main argument. 

Step 6: Conclusion 

Students encountering an argumentative essay for the first time may have questions such as how do you end an argumentative essay? Or what is the last step in creating an argumentative essay Quizlet? Writing the conclusion is the last step or the correct way to end an argumentative essay. Keep the conclusion within one paragraph. 

Restates the thesis statement and summarize all the main points presented in the body paragraphs. Without introducing new information, use pathos, ethos, and logos to appeal to the professors/reader's emotions. A well-written conclusion gives the reader something meaningful to think about. 

Step 7: Revise

Do a thorough revision to remove all errors that lower the quality of your essay.

Even if you know how to write an argumentative essay, you may have difficulty supporting your opinions and convincing the reader to support or agree with your stand on the issue. Besides, mastering the art of writing academic papers is a skill that requires practice. 

Yes, this post teaches you on what is the last step to creating an argumentative essay. But you may not be confident in using evidence or compellingly supporting an argument. In such a case, feel free to reach out to our experienced writer, who will ensure you have an essay that adheres to the current academic standards.  

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