Latest Homework Answers

NURS 430 Discuss How Professional Nursing Organizations Support Nursing Field


As we explore professional organizations and advocacy for nursing practice, planned events frequently bring together groups of people for a shared goal. This week, the Million Nurse March is taking place in Washington, D.C. to push for safe practice. These activities will be supported by several of our professional organizations. Have...

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AACC’s 2014 Code of Ethics


AACC’s 2014 Code of Ethics (Selected Sections)After reading the document found in the Reading & Study folder for Module/Week 1, answer the below prompt:Scenario: You are a clinical counselor operating out of an urban Christian counseling center. You are a PhD candidate (all but...

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Assignment: Academic Success and Professional Development Plan


When was the last time you read John Donne’s Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions’ Meditation XVII?You probably aren’t familiar with this piece unless you are an expert on poetry from the eighteenth century. However, one of its most well-known quotes, “No man is an island,” may be more familiar to you.You get a...

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NRS 433V GCU University PICOT Question


PICOT Question PaperThe nursing profession is flooded with various challenges that limit patient care. Nurses confront these challenges in normal practice and should be centrally involved in resolving them fully. Typically, nurses employ the evidence-based practice (EBP) method to address practice difficulties. The EBP...

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Ethical And Legal Implications Of Prescribing Drugs Assignment


Implications for law and ethicsThe nurse, pharmacist, patient, and patient’s family must all evaluate the major ethical consequences of this medical error. First and foremost, the nurse owed it to the hospital and the patient’s family to report the error. This blunder violated the nurse’s ethical duty to ensure beneficence in...

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Psych 665 Research Multimedia Activity


Complete the Research multimedia activityTake a screenshot of your results page and upload the PDF to your Assignment Files tab1: Match the Individual with the Seminal StudyRene DecartesCharles DarwinWilheim WundtEdward Lee ThorndikeIvan PavlovJohn B....

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Discussion: Classified Nursing knowledge


Nursing knowledge is classified in a variety of ways, one of which is Carper’s Patterns of Knowing (Carper, 1978). Carper’s framework offers a lens through which the nurse can reflect upon insights acquired through empirical, ethical, personal, and aesthetic knowledge (Carper, 1978). Through intentional reflection using Carper’s Patterns...

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DQ: What is your view of the analysis of disease and healing in the readings?


Although I enjoyed reading about many worldviews, I found that human nature and ethics to be the most fascinating subject. The issue is addressed by two key questions. In contrast to ethics, which asks “Is there a method that human beings ought to live and why,” human nature inquires, “What kind of object is a human being?” (Bogue,...

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Assignment: The Iron Triangle


The Iron TriangleThe iron triangle of healthcare consists of access, cost, and quality. In essence, you cannot adjust one aspect of the triangle without effecting the other sides as well. Identify the importance of quality on health care delivery. What impact does quality have on the other aspects of the triangle? On...

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SNHU Social Science Issues Assignment


Identify two social science issues related to war.Identify two social science issues related to education.Choose one of the five social institutions. Describe some of the factors that have influenced this social institution in India.Use the reading about social institutions in India to identify two social science issues...

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Doctoral Demeanor and Student Accountability Worksheet Assignment


DOC 700 WEEK 1 Doctoral Demeanor and Student AccountabilityDoctoral Demeanor and Student Accountability WorksheetEarning a doctorate means reaching the highest educational level in your field. As a member of the doctoral community, you assume a privileged role in society. Your behavior, attitudes, and way of...

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NR 509 Week 1 Assignment: Shadow Health History Assignment


NB: We have all the questions that you will ask Tina Jones plus the answers that she will provide already documented in the Subjective Data, Objective Data, Assessment, and Care Plan format. Further, all the answers to additional activities for this assignment will be given to you as a bonus. In other words, we are offering you a...

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NURS 6640 Week 2: Assessment and Diagnosis in Psychotherapy Assignment


“A sensitively crafted intake assessment can be a powerful therapeutic tool. It can establish rapport between patient and therapist, further the therapeutic alliance, alleviate anxiety, provide reassurance, and facilitate the flow of information necessary for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan.”—Pamela Bjorklund,...

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